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A showy North American native, from the coasts to sub-alpine regions, Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) thrives in disturbed sunny sites, along stream banks and at the forest edge.
PLANT NOTES: Wild Beebalm/Bergamot
A colorful member of the mint family, Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) is widespread in much of North America.
PLANT NOTES: Goldenrod
Its graceful plumes of golden yellow flowers in pyramid-shaped clusters nod in the breeze from mid-July to October.

PLANT NOTES: Wild Ginger
If you've ever noticed a lemony, gingery scent while tramping through shady, moist woods, you've probably stepped in a patch of Wild Ginger (Asarum caudatum).
Jail Bookings: Nov. 3-6

VALLEY POP CONTENT: An interview with Beverly Kohn
Man intends one thing, fate another. A proverb that can be traced as far back as 43 B.C. and still rings true today.
LETTER: Another Hero Passes
My respect for Ed Pommerening began back when he became a school board member, and attended all meetings fresh from his job, work clothes and all.
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PLANT NOTES: Nodding Onion
This delightful member of the Lily family may be responsible for the name of one of America's great cities, Chicago.

Plant Notes: Silver Lupine
Carpeting sub-alpine slopes and meadows in western North America, Silver Lupine (Lupinus argenteus), presents a stunning display of lavender/blue in spring and early summer.