Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Water issues fixed with hard work

| April 21, 2017 3:45 PM

On Wednesday 4/19/17 the 24” main transmission line of the Central Shoshone County Water District erupted. Due to recent floodings of the Coeur d’Alene River, a crucial support to the line was eroded, causing damage and the line became compromised. This was a major breach in service to all of the Water District customers and required immediate action. The crew instantly started gearing up for the exhausting work that lay ahead.

First of all the regulatory agencies had to be contacted, and permits issued. This was done expediently due to the common sense of the agencies and acknowledgment of the emergency. Next the hospital, nursing homes, schools, etc. were notified so they could take appropriate action. Then a contractor had to be contacted, so they could gear up. We just happen to have three of the best right here in the Silver Valley. Supplies, replacement pipe fittings had to be procured. Thanks to DG&S Construction and the Water District we had these on hand, saving time on shipping.

Then the crew had to get to work. I spent numerous hours on site observing, and trying to stay out of the way.

The Water District crew and DG&S crew spent approximately 36 hours working straight throughout this project. After working all day, night and into the second day they were becoming exhausted. Masking this they continued on fighting inclement weather, and all the little nuances, and adaptations that always appear in an emergency incident to complete the job. The girls in the office took hundreds of phone calls from concerned customers and like troopers, calmly answered their questions. After the main line was repaired the crew had to recharge 55 miles of the water system slowly and safely to avoid further complications or disruptions to the piping. This was completed and water was restored to all users.

Numerous comments were made by the Water District residents. Most were positive, to those I say thank you. For the few that were derogatory, I have no tolerance for you. Perhaps you don’t know how hard people worked on this project.

So if you woke up to water in your residence early Friday morning feel free to thank one of the following companies:

CSC Water District Crew

DG&S Construction

Panhandle Pipe and Welding

Zanetti’s Construction

One of the benefits of living in a small community is the people who go out of their way to lend aid when the need arises. Though more would probably have helped, I would like to thank the following businesses for their contributions.

Consolidated Pipe, The Bean Coffee Shop, McDonalds, Yoke’s Deli, Tam’s Traveling Toilets, Culure Coffee Shop.

And lastly the three other CSC board members who spent time on the scene to observe and encourage the crew:

Dale Jacobs, Tom Benson, Jim Walker.

We thank you all for your patience and understanding, hopefully this is all behind us.

Joe Guardipee, CSC Board Member

Wardner, Idaho