Wednesday, January 29, 2025

It's that time again!

Local Editor | August 7, 2017 4:55 PM

August is back-to-school time as children, parents, and teachers across the Silver Valley really begin to ramp up for the impending school year.

Clothes and supplies shopping are normally at the forefront of parents minds at this point, but there are some other crucial elements of getting back to school that should start being practiced as that first day of school draws near.

Not all of these tips belong to parents or students though.

One of the biggest problems that schools encounter during the first few weeks of the year are people forgetting how to safely drive with the excess of kids walking near the roads or waiting for school buses.

“Drivers should be on the lookout for students walking to and from school,” Kellogg School District superintendent Woody Woodford said. “Cars and kids don’t mix well together. In fact, cars win out most of the time. Please slow down and watch carefully for our little ones.”

Getting back into a routine that allows students to get ample sleep is probably the most difficult obstacle that students and parents find themselves in.

Setting both bedtimes and wake up times while limiting sleep distractions like screen or phone time could be key into getting students in a steady routine as the first day of school draws near.

“Proper sleep and resetting a daily routine is a real issue,” Woodford said. “Parents, we need your help, getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for young learning minds. Sleep schedules matter. In the weeks before school starts, ease your children back into a structured sleep schedule. It’s OK to tell them to turn off the TV or to stop playing games and get to bed.

Having children go to bed earlier and get up earlier in the weeks leading up to the start of school so that they aren’t so tired the first week can have dramatic and positive benefits.”

Most schools open their doors during the week prior to school beginning as teachers are in and out of the building.

For some of the younger students, using this opportunity to just give them a familiarity with their soon-to-be surroundings can be of the utmost importance.

Fortunately, most schools and administrators are pretty welcoming of their new students.

“Parents who have kindergarten students may want to bring them by the week before Labor Day weekend,” Pinehurst Elementary principal Mike Groves said. “Let them see the school and hopefully meet their teacher just to make the first day go a little better.”

Wallace High School principal Chris Lund agrees with Groves and believes this can be a useful tool for older students as well.

“Students and parents should come to registration and do a walk around the school to ensure students know where all their classes are located,” Lund said.

Finally, a student with all of their supplies readily available is in a better position to learn than one who doesn’t have them, so make sure that your students are prepared as best as possible.

“Contact your child’s school for their supply lists because each school and classroom is a little different,” Woodford said. “Each will have a suggested list of supplies. Your young learner will benefit from having the suggested supplies as they start back to school. Supply lists are posted on school websites, school Facebook pages as well as available at Walmart.”

The first day of school for the Kellogg School District is Tuesday, September 5.

The first day of school for the Mullan and Wallace School District is Thursday, August 31.

In an effort to help aid you in your school equipment needs, here are the supply lists for our area’s schools:

John Mullan Elementary:

•Kindergarten 1 pkg of pencils 4 pink pearl erasers 4 glue sticks 1 - 24 pkg crayons 3 boxes of Kleenex 2 packages of napkins 2 pencil boxes 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box of gallon bags Extra change of clothes Optional: colored pencils & markers

•First Grade 36 #2 pencils (no plastic) 4 pink pearl erasers 4 glue sticks 2 pocket folders 3 boxes of Kleenex 2 packages of napkins 2 pencil boxes 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 box gallon bags Extra change of clothes Optional: colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, spiral notebook

•Second Grade 36 #2 pencils (no plastic) 2 pink pearl erasers 6 glue sticks 2 pocket folders 3 boxes of Kleenex 2 packages of napkins 1 pencil boxes 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 box gallon bags Extra change of clothes 1 composition notebook Optional: colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors,

•Third Grade 24 #2 pencils 1 red pen 2 pink pearl erasers 1 ruler 3 pocket folders 3 wide ruled spiral notebooks 1 wide ruled paper 5 boxes of Kleenex 2 rolls of paper towels Optional: colored pencils, glue sticks, crayons, markers, scissors

•Fourth Grade 24 #2 pencils 1 red pen 2 pink pearl erasers 1 ruler 3 pocket folders 3 wide ruled spiral notebooks 1 wide ruled paper 5 boxes of Kleenex 2 rolls of paper towels Optional: colored pencils, glue sticks, crayons, markers, scissors

•Fifth Grade 12 #2 Pencils 1 red pen 1 black pen 2 pink pearl erasers 1 pkg colored pencils 2 glue sticks 1 scissor 1 ruler 4 pocket folders 7 subject dividers 2 - 1 ½ - 2 inch 3 ring binders 1 pkg of paper - college ruled 3 boxes of Kleenex 1 roll of paper towels 1 pencil box 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 box of gallon bags 1 wireless mouse 1 composition notebook Optional: crayons, markers, calculator, spiral notebook, graph paper

•Sixth Grade 12 #2 Pencils 1 red pen 1 black pen 2 pink pearl erasers 1 pkg colored pencils 2 glue sticks 1 scissor 1 ruler 4 pocket folders 7 subject dividers 2 - 1 ½ - 2 inch 3 ring binders 1 pkg of paper - college ruled 3 boxes of Kleenex 1 roll of paper towels 1 pencil box 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 box of gallon bags 1 wireless mouse 1 composition notebook Optional: crayons, markers, calculator, spiral notebook, graph paper

Silver Hills Elementary School:

•Wallace School District Preschool Supply List 1 regular sized backpack 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 box each of sandwich size and gallon size Ziploc bags 1 box of snack items for pantry (i.e. fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, pretzels) 2 rolls of paper towels 1 package of napkins 2 packages antibacterial wipes or baby wipes 1 package of baby wipes

•Kindergarten Supply List

Crayola Classic fine line marker - 3 boxes Crayola Crayons 8 pack - 4+ boxes Hand sanitizer in pump dispenser Standard size backpack - no wheels Small Water bottle (approx 12 oz.) ½ inch binder with hard sides 2 boxes of kleenex tissues One package of napkins One box gallon size ziploc bags - Boys One box quart size ziploc bags - girls

Optional Supplies Crayola classic broad line markers - 3 boxes Expo Dry Erase Markers Crayola Crayons - 24 pack Copy paper - one ream

•First Grade 4 doz. #2 pencils 4 glue sticks Crayons Kleenex Large pink pearl eraser Backpack w/ name on it 2 containers anti-bacterial wipes 1 ream of printer paper 1 bottle hand sanitizer Plastic Supply Box Water bottle Pencil sharpener Scissors 1 bottle white Elmer’s glue 1 pkg Expo White board maker to share Gym shoes for PE Markers

•Second Grade 4 dox. #2 pencils 4 glue sticks 1 box of crayons Scissors Large pine pearl eraser 3 folders 1 spiral notebook (wide-ruled) Plastic supply box Water bottle Backpack w/name on it Gym shoes for PE Large box of Kleenex to share w/class 1 roll paper towels 1 container anti-bacterial wipes Optional: markers

•Third Grade 4 dox. - Sharpened #2 pencils 4 glue sticks 1 bottle Elmer’s glue Colored pencils Crayons Large box kleenex to share with class Large pink eraser 1 container anti-bacterial wipes 1 bottle hand sanitizer Plastic supply box Scissors Pencil sharpener Backpack w/name on it Gym shoes for PE 3 spiral notebooks (wide ruled) 3 pocket folders (3 prong preferred) Red ink pen

•Fourth Grade 4 -100 page composition books (journal stitched) Crayons Markers colored pencils Scissors glue stick #2 pencils - at least 8 doz Black ink pen Hand pencil sharpener 1 black sharpie pen to mark personal items 4 whiteboard markers, EXPO type (blue or black) Pencil case Snacks for class (crackers, pretzels, goldfish, etc) Kleenex for classroom 1 old sock Gym shoes for PE

•Fifth Grade Pencils Erasers Hand held pencil sharpeners 4 pocket folders 4 notebooks 2 pkgs of loose leaf paper Colored pencils Scissors Glue stick Pencil case or box 1 container anti-bacterial wipes Gym shoes for PE Kleenex No binder and no ink pens

•Sixth Grade Binder 1 ½” (no zipper) 5 subject notebooks (each single subject) 3 pkgs. Loose leaf paper 5-3 hole pocket folders #2 pencils - 4 doz. Headphones (cheap basic earbuds work) 1 box pencil top erasers 1 box Kleenex Pencil box or bag 1 pkg highlighters (at least 2) 1 bottle hand sanitizer (girls) Paper towels (boys) Optional: scissors, pens glue

Pinehurst Elementary School:

•Pinehurst Kindergarten 2 bottles of Elmer’s white glue (no glue sticks or blue gel glue) 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 packs baby wipes/antibacterial wipes 1 medium/large hand sanitizer 1 backpack 2 pocket folders 1 pair Fiskars blunt point scissors 1 prepackaged Snack (goldfish crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, gram crackers, fruit snacks, string cheese or granola bars) $3.00 for Kindergarten Writing journal

Boys 1 box gallon storage bags

Girls 1 box quart storage bags

Mrs. Bush & Mrs. Stott class only 1 glue stick

•Pinehurst First Grade 1 ream copy paper 12 ticonderoga pencils 2 boxes 8 count - crayola crayons 2 pink pearl eraser 2 boxes Kleenex 1 pencil box (8x5 plastic) 4 glue sticks 1 pair Fiskars scissors 1 container hand sanitizer

Boys 1 container gallon bags

Girls 1 container baby wipes

Mrs. Ivie’s & Mrs. Delgado’s class 1- 1 ½ 3 ring binder 1 spiral notebook wide-ruled 2 dry expo erase maker 2 highlighters

•Pinehurst Second Grade 1 ream of copy paper 12 - #2 yellow pencils only 2 erasers 1 24 ct crayons 1 school supply box 1 scissor; 5” pointed 3 boxes of Kleenex 2 highlighters (none for Mrs. Specht) 1 bottle Elmer’s glue 2 glue sticks 3 or more black dry erase markers (expo preferred) 1 old, clean sock for erasing 2 wide rule spiral notebook 2 composition notebooks 2 sturdy 2-pocket folders 1 container handi-wipes 1 container hand sanitizer 1 container ziploc bags *most items will be centrally located, please do not label

•Pinehurst Third Grade 2 folders with pockets 24 #2 yellow pencils 1 bottle Elmer’s white glue 2 small glue sticks 1 pair Fiskars sharp point scissors 2 composition notebooks 1box washable markers 1 wide ruled notebook 1 box crayons 1 box baby wipes 5 dry erase markers 1 old clean sock 1 pkg. 3x3 post it notes 1 box colored pencils 1 box Kleenex 1 set watercolor paints w/ brush 1 ream of copy paper

Boys One ream white copy paper 1 box quart bags Girls One ream colored copy paper (any color) 1 box gallon bags *most items will be centrally located, please do not label.

•Pinehurst Fourth Grade 1 ream of copy paper; Boys - White, Girls - color 4 glue sticks 24 #2 Ticonderoga Pencils Markers 3 composition notebooks 2 folders 2 boxes of Kleenex Scissors Pencil top erasers 2 Expo marker (fine point) 1 3x5 notecard 1 box colored pencils

Boys: Hand Sanitizer Girls: Ziploc Bags

•Pinehurst Fifth Grade 1 box crayons, markers or colored pencils 2 glue sticks 1 pair scissors 24 #2 yellow pencils or mechanical pencils 1 eraser 3 folders with pockets 1 highlighter or yellow marker 4 composition notebooks 2 pkg. Dry erase markers 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 box baby wipes 1 box freezer bags, gallon or quart 1 ream copy paper

Boys: One ream white copy paper Girls: One ream colored copy paper (any color)

All Pinehurst Elementary student needs 1 pair of earbuds

Canyon Elementary:

•Primary Grades (K & 1st)

24 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga) preferably 2 Packages of glue sticks 1 box of 16 regular crayons 1 Pkg. dry-erase markers (chisel tip) 1 box each of gallon & Sandwich size ziplock bags 1 box of soft kleenex 1 inch - 3 ring binder 3 folders w/3 ring clasps (hardcover) 3 primary composition notebooks (place for picture on top & writing on bottom) 1 pink eraser 1 pencil box 1 Zipper pocket pouch for 2 ring binder Scissors (Fiskars) Headphones (whatever is comfortable) preferable not ear buds

Transitional Primary (2nd & 3rd)

24 #2 pencils 3 large pink erasers 2 pocket folders 3 Composition books (2nd Grade only) 1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars) 1 Box of Kleenex 1 Set of Headphones 1 Set of 4 dry erase markers Colored pencils, crayons or markers 1 Box Gallon Zip Lock Bags 4 Glue Stick 2 Post-it note stacks 2 Packages, Index Cards 1 Package Highlighters-4 colors

Intermediate Grades (4th & 5th)

1 Three subject notebook with dividers 2 composition notebooks 1 Two pocket folder pencils 2 Pens 1 package highlighters Scissors Colored pencils, crayons or markers Kleenex 2 packages filler notebook paper (college ruled) 4 Dry erase markers Headphones Pencil Box ( standard size) Boys - 4 glue sticks & 1 box quart size Ziplock bags Girls - 1 Bottle of glue & 1 box gallon size Ziplock bags