Tuesday, March 11, 2025

KPD Roll Call 6/27–7/4

| July 4, 2017 6:13 PM

•Happy Independence Day!

•Traffic stop in the vision center parking lot for failure to dim high beams, verbal.

•County assist with elderly male out of fuel on i90, Male was put up in the fair bridge inn.

•Extra patrol on Kellogg Ave and Presley.

•Call about suspicious persons going thru a vehicle. Cleared unfounded. 400 block of W Portland

•Verbal Domestic at Amy Lynns, cleared, parties separated peace restored.

•Vehicle stolen from Nickersons towing, K73 found the subject at his home, detained him and had him take us to the vehicle which was located at the old flea market on 200 block of Cameron. Suspect being was arrested for Grand theft by deputies. Other agency assist. Sometimes the bad guys catch themselves.

•Walk in about a road rage incident, found the suspect leaving from the Walmart. Pulled him over and sarge had a little chat with him. Let’s just say he got quite the verbal.

•Possible 8004 driver, K73 found the driver but no PC established.

•Call about a tree that fell in a front yard on W Mission Ave. Moved the tree out of the way and will leave city a note to pick the tree up from in front of her house.

•Crash in the Conoco parking lot on Division/Cameron. Helped in assisting parties exchange information.

•Called to 400 block of Oregon for out of control juvenile cleared peace restored.

•County assist at Jim’s Bobcat for burglary in progress. Cleared false alarm.

•Citizen contact in 200 block of W Mullan. Residents garage door was open and bike was laying out in the alley, all was in order cleared public assist.

•Attempted paper service on W Bunker Ave. Recipient was not home.

•Traffic stop in yokes parking lot, no front license plate. Cleared friendly verbal.

•Replaced the front left fog light on P613.

•Traffic stop on 700 block of Mckinley, no front plate again. Cleared verbal.

•Served papers to 502 w 2nd Street. Cleared served.

•Call about a male being irate to other citizens after being refused to be given a ride home. The male was a juvenile and was given a ride home by K72 to his grandma’s house. Cleared peace restored.

•Missing person report.

•County assist for VIN inspection.

•Citizen contact with juvenile sitting outside Dirty Ernie’s. Provided him with a ride home. Cleared public assist.

•Disturbance in the alleyway of 200 block of Mullan and Riverside... two women fighting over one guy... (not sure if this guy is real lucky or real unlucky, but I’m think the latter). Provided one of the female a ride home. Cleared peace restored.

•Possible shots fired at the herd of elk. Searched the area unable to locate.

•Possible 80-04 from Kingston, possibly heading to the Mullan Address that I was at earlier. County unit was able to locate her out in the county.

•Disturbance at 500 block of Main St. Wardner. Cleared peace restored.

•Vehicle vs Pedestrian call to the Kellogg City Pool. 9 yr old girl hit by vehicle. Vehicle didn’t stay on scene. Will be charging subject with failure to notify Law Enforcement of an accident resulting in an injury.

•Welfare check on W Portland. Was unable to locate.

•Walk in, subject, says he thinks his gun was stolen from his car but isn’t sure yet but wanted to let police know in case it was to come up somewhere. He filled out a statement form. Later he informed us that the gun was safe and not stolen.

•Extra Patrol Wardner.

•Disturbance at Amy Lynn’s kids being loud past curfew. Cleared unable to locate.

•Disturbance at 500 block of Mission. Cleared verbal warning.

•Traffic stop on Hill Street for headlight. Cleared verbal.

•Disturbance at the park under the oddfellow picnic area, juveniles out past curfew and parks hours. They were taken home cleared verbal.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Foot patrol of City Park and 400-500 blocks of Mission, Mullan and Riverside.

•Traffic stop on Main Street Wardner for no turn signal, cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on N Division for no turn signal, cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on 100 block of Railroad for speeding. Cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on Railroad again for no turn signal. Cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on Division/Cameron intersection for failing to stop at a stop sign. Verbal.

•Report of stolen vehicle. Vehicle stolen from Post Falls and recovered at the Amy Lynns. Suspect is identified and a warrant will be issued.

•Call of suspicious male in the lounge of the Fairbridge inn, ended up calling medical due to a serious infection on his arm. Add that to the thousands of reasons not to drugs people!

•Assisted K72 with walk-in report of domestic.

•Traffic stop on S. Division for speed. Cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on Cameron Ave for speed. Cleared verbal.

•Assisted K72 with verbal domestic on 100 block of Mullan.

•Walk in report of a domestic, K75 assisted, originated at 900 block of W Park Avenue.

•Dispatched to an active domestic in the 100 block of Mullan.

•Traffic stop at Hill Street Conoco. Stop sign violation, cleared verbal.

•Landline request from a Domestic Violence (DV) call from last night, forwarded info to K76 as he was responding officer.

•Cited an adult female for the vehicle vs pedestrian accident on 06/30.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Called to kids in the park parking lot, they were waiting for a ride, Grandpa came and got them.

•Car across from payday loans tagged for 48 hour removal.

•400 block of Mullan Avenue car parked on wrong side of road, they were attending a get together across the street, vehicle was moved.

•Extra patrol on Kellogg Avenue and Presley.

•Received dog from county x2, the owner came and picked dogs up later around 12:30 p.m.

•Received another dog from the Fairbridge inn, took to the shelter.

•Call about a suspended driver, driving in from Smelterville to Kellogg, cleared UTL.

•Landline request about a vehicle parked on private property, ended up placing 48 hr notice on vehicle blue station wagon at Amy Lynns.

•Landline request of an accident that happened today, the female driver had a suspended license so K72 wrote her a citation for Driving Without Privileges (DWP). Cleared report taken and citation issued.

•Dog owner came and picked up his 2 dogs today.

•Call about female leaving Shoshone Medical Center (SMC) frantically, was supposedly dropped off by her brother for mental evaluation. Cleared UTL.

•Call about possible domestic in progress at McDonalds. Unable to locate. Vehicle jumped on I-90. ATL was issued.

•Called to 700 block of upper 3rd for a female crying because her boyfriend took her car keys and had no way back home. Mom was coming from Thompson falls to pick her up. Cleared public assist.

•Called to the 400 block of riverside for fireworks going off late. Cleared unfounded.

•1225 dropped off a dog to our pound, it’s a big yellow lab.

•Man stopped at the intersection of Bunker and Hill Street on his motorcycle with it off looking at his phone. He was hoping to find vacancy at a motel for cheap for the nigh as he didn’t want to go over the pass at night on his Harley.

Be Happy, Be Safe, and stay cool my friends.