Monday, February 17, 2025

Mayor's corner

by Kellogg Mayor Mac Pooler
| July 14, 2017 2:03 PM

KELLOGG — Work continues on the City of Kellogg’s Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Project. Big Sky Development Corporation is working to complete remaining action items on Phase I, uptown and in the Mineral Subdivision. That work will continue until all of the items on the list are completed.

Knife River continues with their work on Phase II. There are now five crews on-site. Underground work on Brown Street is nearly done and crews are planning to move on to Chestnut Street, Oregon Street and then to proceed east on Cameron Avenue. Access may be limited at times, but Business’s on Cameron Avenue remain open, so please continue to support your local stores in this area.

The contract for Phase III is ready to be signed. Work on the ground is expected to begin sometime during the first week of August. Work will begin on the west end of McKinley Avenue and proceed east. Residents living along the construction route will be notified prior to the start of construction.

I want to thank everyone for their patience as the project continues. Remember to drive safely while passing through construction zones. Watch out for pedestrians, especially young children. As with last year while sewer construction is underway, children will be allowed to swim free at the Kellogg City Pool. This provides them with a safe alternative for daily recreation away from construction activities.

Anyone needing special assistance related to the project or who may have questions or concerns may contact Mr. Craig Lewis, Superintendent of Public Works at (208) 768-9131. On weekends, holidays or after work hours you may contact Mr. Lewis by calling the Shoshone County Sheriff’s Dispatch at (208) 556-1114 and ask them to contact him for you.