Thursday, March 13, 2025

KPD Roll Call 7/11-7/18

| July 18, 2017 6:39 PM

•Can you say road construction? WOW, asking people to be patient and for people taking the detours in the residential neighborhoods to please go slow.

•Follow up on a DUI case from last week.

•Kellogg Middle School had some doors opened. K72 and K75 cleared and secured the building.

•Spoke with some kids at the park about curfew. Cleared verbal warning.

•Served two sets of paper work today.

•Arrested an adult female for her felony warrant. She was discovered by P and P during a visit and they called K77 in to arrest her.

•Took a theft report for the cocktail sign at the Inland Lounge entrance. Sometime during the night, someone got on a ladder and stole the neon sign. Not cool. If anyone has information about the sign please call KPD.

•Motorist assist at Cameron Conoco, dead battery.

•Foot patrol with K75 on Main Street, Riverside/Mullen/Mission, McKinley Avenue, and Silver Mtn resort.

•Traffic stop 1000 block of McKinley, Broken headlight. Cleared verbal.

•Patrol of Kellogg and Wardner.

•More foot patrol, Main, McKinley, Mission, Mullan, Riverside, Caledonia, Howard, Helen, and Hill Street.

•Bar check at Dirty Ernie’s.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Reviewed paperwork from an ongoing investigation.

•Returned the items that had been taken from a car last week back to the car owner.

•Dog at large call on the 100 block of W Mission. Couldn’t catch dog. Dog eventually got tired of K72 chasing him and went back home on his own.

•Call of dog being beaten at 400 block of Brown Street. Glad to report no dog was being beaten. Cleared NAT.

•Traffic stop at Hill Street and Station Street for no tail lights. Cleared verbal.

•Traffic stop on market and Division Street no plates, cleared NAT. Had a registration in back window. Couldn’t see it due to the windows being so tinted.

•Call to Amy Lynn’s about a tenant changing oil in parking lot. Yes, that was an actual call.

•Even more foot patrol, uptown Kellogg.

•Traffic stop on Riverside for stop sign violation. Cleared verbal.

•Called to unlawful entry in 900 block of S. Division. took report.

•Handled land line requests.

•Assisted medical in Wardner.

•Mobile patrols of Kellogg and Wardner.

•Went through most of the construction areas in the downtown area and re-positioned some signs (making it easier for the detours).

•Worked on report templates for ARTS.

•Patrolled the roads not under construction, yeah that took all of five minutes.

•Assist County and ISP with a female at Shoshone Medical Center. Female claimed family was being held “hostage” up in the wooded area behind Kellogg High School. After making contact with the family that was supposedly being held captive (they are out of town on vacation) this was determined to be UNFOUNDED. She was also notified that she would be given a ride out of town rather than having hallucinations in Kellogg all night. Female went with family rather than wandering around Kellogg or being given a ride to Wallace by KPD. Another reason of the long list of reasons not to do drugs people.

•Attempt to locate possible DUI Eastbound I90 from mile post 51. County and Osburn units were tied up with multiple fights in the Mullan area. Went to 57 without contact. Unable to Locate.

•Followed up on battery case.

•Called to the 400 block of mission for an animal complaint, cleared public assist.

•Called to SMC to assist ISP, ended up being something for the county. Cleared other agency assist.

•Called to a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a home, mom and her child were sleeping in the vehicle. The child’s mother got into an argument with dad, so they were sleeping in the car.

•Patrolled Kellogg and Wardner.

•Extra patrol through the construction areas.

•Extra patrol on Presley.

•Called Dennis the Menace’s house in Warnder for threats being made against to his friend Eddie Haskell. Come to find out a protective Dad was warning him to stay away from is 17-year-old daughter. Cleared report taken.

•Fire alarm at Silver Mountain, a 12-year-old kid pulled the fire alarm in the hallway.

•Called to the city park for harassment, the parties have separated and most important blocked on Facebook.

•Called to 302 E Portland for a welfare check. Turns out he was in the hospital already.

•Assisted 1225 with a female trying to contact her husband, her husband eventually came and got her from the Fairbridge Inn.

•Called to a semi-truck and trailer that could not make a corner on the detour route. K73 arrived and spoke with the driver. He was upset that a truck had parked on the side of the road and was keeping him from making the turn. He insisted that K73 tow the truck in question and he was not using his inside voice to do it. K73 told the driver that he could easily back up and go down Mission Avenue to Division and he would be fine or he could drive forward and also make the corner but his rear duals would drive up the curb a little. Driver refused to move the truck in any direction even after the truck in question had been moved back several feet so he could make the corner easier. Then K73 called for a large wrecker for the semi as he was still refusing to move. So, after some more heated pleasantries between the truck driver and K73. They came to the agreement that the truck driver would move his semi if K73 would issue a parking ticket to said truck. After ticket was placed on the parked truck, the semi-truck driver backed his semi up and then drove down the street. Said parking ticket was voided and verbal warning was given to the owner of the truck, saying that during the construction detour is in place not to park close to the intersection so vehicles and big trucks could make the corner easier. At least people that live on Mission and Hill had some entertainment for the evening.

Be Happy, Be Safe, Take Detours