Sunday, February 09, 2025

Legals July 22, 2017

| July 22, 2017 3:30 AM

CITY OF KELLOGG TREASURER'S QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 YR TO DATE BUDGET % BUDGET REVENUE: GENERAL FUND: Property Tax 309,177 509,679 60.7% Other Revenue 362,954 505,381 71.8% STREET & HIGHWAY 332,946 567,685 58.6% RECREATION 49,606 105,775 46.9% State Revenue Sharing 68,926 108,615 63.5% Liability Insurance 21,893 35,594 61.5% Franchise 38,131 48,180 79.1% Cemetery 31,021 46,150 67.2% Grant 256,452 5,070,000 5.1% Misc. 108,286 85,400 126.8% Local Option Tax 113,315 100,000 113.3% LIBRARY 46,448 76,210 60.9% ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Sewer 2,305,245 3,349,000 68.8% Sanitation 211,794 490,850 43.1% TOTAL: 5,399,141 11,098.519 EXPENDITURES General 613,826 1,015,060 60.5% Street & Highways 379,672 567,685 66.9% Recreation 38,768 105,775 36.7% State Revenue Sharing 35,551 108,615 32.7% Liability Insurance 32,979 35,594 92.7% EPA Road Work 1,142,947 0 Franchise 0 48,180 0.0% Cemetery 23,774 46,150 51.5% Grant 256,452 5,070,000 5.1% Misc. 55,561 85,400 65.1% Local Option Tax 19,854 100,000 19.9% Library 47,721 76,210 62.6% ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Sewer 2,067,944 3,349,000 61.7% Sanitation 124,862 490,850 25.4% TOTAL 4,839,911 11,098,519 Citizens are invited to inspect the detailed supporting records of the above financial report. Nila L. Jurkovich Municipal Clerk/Treasurer LEGAL 2589 JULY 22, 2017

The Board meeting for Milo Creek Water Shed will be held every second Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are at the Wardner City Hall LEGAL 2590 JULY 22, 29, 2017

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Pinehurst Water District Emergency Water Line Replacement Sealed Bids for the construction of the Emergency Water Line Replacement project will be received by the Pinehurst Water District at 508 S. Division, Pinehurst, ID 83850, Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., or by mail at P.O. Box 98, Pinehurst, ID 83850, until 10:00 a.m. local time on Monday, August 7,2017and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The work involves installation of approximately 965 linear feet of 4-inch water main in segments of 5thStreet, Wyoming Avenue, and California Avenue, and replacement of up to 18 water service lines in various locations throughout the City of Pinehurst, including excavation, pipe installation, surface restoration, and other related work. It is the intent of these documents to describe the work required to complete this project in sufficient detail to secure comparable bids. All parts or work not specifically mentioned which are necessary in order to provide a complete installation shall be included in the bid and shall conform to all Local, State and Federal requirements. All work shall conform to the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction, 2017 Edition (ISPWC) as modified by the contract documents. A non-mandatory pre-Bid conference will be held at 10:00a.m.localtimeonJuly31,2017attheDistrictOffice,508S.Division,Pinehurst,ID. The PROJECT MANUAL, DRAWINGS and EXHIBITS may be examined at the following location(s): Pinehurst Water District, 508 S. Division, Pinehurst, ID83850 Century West Engineering, 1110 W. Park Place #303, Coeur d'Alene, ID83814 Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N Havana St. (PO Box 2968) Spokane, WA99202 Inland Northwest AGC, Abadan Online Planroom: The PROJECT MANUAL, DRAWINGS and EXHIBITS may be obtained at Century West Engineering, 1110 W. Park Place #303, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814. Copies of these documents may be purchased for a NON- REFUNDABLE fee of$30.00. Section 746 of Title VII of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (Division A - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) applies an American Iron and Steel requirement to this project. All iron and steel products used in this project must be produced in the United States. The term "iron and steel products"means the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, and construction materials. In determining the lowest responsive bid, the Owner will consider all acceptable bids on a basis consistent with the bid package. The Owner will also consider whether the bidder is a responsible bidder. A Public Works Contractor License for the State of Idaho is required to be awarded this work. This project is subject to the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and other Federal funding requirements. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to submitbids. All bids must be signed and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. Bids must be accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a bid bond, certified check, cashier's check or cash in the amount of 5% of the amount of the bid proposal. Said bid security shall be forfeited to the Pinehurst Water District as liquidated damages should the successful bidder fail to enter into contract in accordance with their proposal as specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Pinehurst Water District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any nonmaterial irregularities in the bids received, and to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the best interest of the Pinehurst Water District. Bruce Rumpel, Chairman, PinehurstWaterDistrict LEGAL 2591 JULY 22, 29 2017

PUBLIC NOTICE The Shoshone County Commission proposes to use funds made available under Public Law 112-141, to initiate projects to carry out activities under the Firewise Communities program including wildfire protection in coordination with the appropriate Secretary concerned not to exceed $85,000. The proposal is open for a 45-day comment period after which, and taking into full consideration the comments received, the Commission will issue a decision on the proposed use of funds. BACKGROUND Public Law 112-141 which reauthorizes the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 was enacted in 2008 in part to stabilize payments to counties and compensate for the sharp decrease in federal timber sales and shared revenues. All counties in Idaho have chosen the stable payment option. THE PROPOSAL Title III of Public Law 112-141 limits county funds to projects that meet the requirements of the title. There are three (3) identified and authorized uses. The Shoshone County Commission proposes to allocate up to $85,000 to the use identified in Section 302(a)(1): "to carry out activities under the Firewise Communities program to provide to homeowners in fire-sensitive ecosystems education on, and assistance with implementing, techniques in home siting, home construction, and home landscaping that can increase the protection of people and property from wildfires, and to also develop or update community wildfire protection plans in coordination with the Forest Service acting on behalf of the Secretary of Agriculture." The Commission had identified the above uses as a need for Shoshone County. Shoshone County is nearly 80% Federal land, most of that managed by the U.S. Forest Service. The desired outcomes from the plan include: aiding Firewise Communities in Shoshone County in identifying and creating fire resistant areas around the community. The goal is to develop a community wide environment that will prevent any wildfire from entering the community, burning property or injuring residents. The techniques to be implemented have been proven to be effective. PUBLIC COMMENT Pursuant to Section 302(b)(1) of Public Law 112-141, this notice by the Shoshone County Commission initiates a 45-day public comment period on the proposed use of funds as published in a newspaper of local record Section 302(b)(1). The Shoshone County Commission is also sending this proposal to the Panhandle Idaho Resource Advisory Committee pursuant to Section 302(b)(2). Send comments to the Shoshone County Board of Commissioners, 700 Bank Street, Suite 120, Wallace, ID 83873. Following the 45-day comment period, and after taking into full consideration the comments received, the Commission will issue a decision on the proposed use of funds. If in the future the Shoshone County Commission decides to use these funds for a different project that meets the requirements of Title III of Public Law 112-141 other than the one described above, a subsequent public notice will be issued for a 45-day public comment period. LEGAL 2592 JULY 22, 2017

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) Case No. CV 17-0355 IN THE DISTRICT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOIS EVELYN BOJE DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Andy Street has been appointed Personal Representative of the above named Estate. All persons having clalims against the decedent or the Estate are required to present their claims withing the four (4) months after the date of the first publication of Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims muste be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. Dated this 26 day of June, 2017 /s/ Katherine Monroe Coyle LEGAL 2581 JULY 8, 15, 22, 2017