Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Local American Legion team hosts first game in six years

Local Editor | July 25, 2017 1:54 PM


Post 36 catcher Carter Bailey takes a second before putting his mask on.

Earlier this month the Silver Valley American Legion Post 36 hosted their first home baseball game in six seasons when the Moscow Blue Devils came to Morehouse Field in Osburn.

Post 36 had some success with hitting and making some nice defensive plays.

But Moscow was able to put them away in five innings.

Coach Ed Chilgren could care less about the loss and more about the fact that the game was played at all.

“A lot of individuals helped make this game happen,” Chilgren said. “We are still hoping to do some more work on Morehouse Field to try and get the field closer to standards we expect. This includes repairing fencing, baselines, painting, grandstands, improved dugouts, and more.”

Chilgren was thankful that the kids showed up and helped him getting the dead program resurrected.

“A big thanks to the nine players which not only showed up, but also gave (a) great effort with honor and enjoyment,” Chilgren said. “These players included Matt Farkas, Chandler Holling, Zayne Hunter, Carter Bailey, Hayden Hogamier, Tristian Neubauer, Jaden Dimitroff, Austin McKinnon, and Conner Denson.”

There is currently talks of doing another limited season next year for American Legion which would include a home doubleheader and a road trip tournament.

There are also discussions about doing an American Legion Reunion day and games, a 15-and-younger tournament team to travel and host tournaments, and to increase participation in the 14-and-younger Little League program.

Chilgren also wished a special thanks to Tony Underdahl, Kit Pearson, Dorsey Pearson, John Strange, Ollie Larson (sang national anthem), Barry Lawson (umpire), Gary Beck (umpire), the Wallace School District, Travelling Toilets, and the American Legion Post 36.