Sunday, February 09, 2025

Blues Fest gives back!

Local Editor | July 31, 2017 3:48 PM


Marcy Hayman with The Metals Bar presented Wallace Blues Fest board member Tommy Hayes with a $1,000 cash donation. Also pictured are Jackie Hayes and Mike Hayman.

The Wallace Blues Festival Board of Directors held a community barbecue on Wednesday night right before they donated $1,000 to the Wallace Public Swimming Pool.

The success of the Wallace Blues Festival over the years has led to them making sure that they give back to the community that facilitates their popular event.

“We had a really good year this year,” Tommy Hayes said. “We like to make sure that we give back to the community that supports our festival.”

Fellow organizer Sano Haldi was very pleased with the selection of the pool to receive such a generous donation.

“They have a lot of issues over there and it was an easy decision to help them out,” Sano Haldi said. “They can use the money for whatever they need.”

The 90-year old pool has been held together over the years by various quick fixes and short term remedies, but over the past few years some major improvements have been made.

But there is always room for more improvements.

Pool manager Ed Chilgren ran down a few of the issues that had been remedied over the years, but also praised the work of his predecessor.

“Bob (Schrieber) was a MacGyver when it came to keeping that pool running, especially when he didn’t have the funds to do any repairs,” Chilgren said. “We have received some big donations over the years, but it really is never enough and unfortunately the city ends up footing the bill. This money will be very helpful.”

Keeping up with the generous spirit, Marcy Hayman, owner and operator of The Metals Bar in Wallace made a donation of $1,000 to the Wallace Blues Festival.

Last year the Blues Festival donated $1,000 to the Wallace High School music program.