Sunday, February 09, 2025

Summer camp organizers show their thanks

| July 31, 2017 3:44 PM

Summer camp

organizers show their thanks

There are way too many volunteers to thank personally and we don't want to forget anyone, but we want to show our appreciation for the following:

Idaho Servant Adventures (this would be near impossible without them) mentors, coordinators, final day barbecue, and more.

Angel Wings Daycare — 4-5-year-old VBS, lunch for more than 300 people every day, all of their volunteers, and nearly shutting down their business to support this camp.

Silver Valley Youth Boosters (Jim and Melissa Driskell) — sponsored the Silver Rapids Waterpark for EVERY kid.

Kiwanis — supplied snacks every day for all of the kids. Pinehurst Golf Course and their volunteer coaches.

Shoshone County Airport and manager Richard Abers.

Young Eagles Program and EAA Chapter 517 out of Missoula, Mont., for flying over to the Silver Valley.

Silver Mountain

Shoshone News-Press for allowing us to borrow their reporter for the week!

Kellogg School District

Wallace School District

Mullan School District

All three school districts for coordinating transportation, several volunteers and their tireless superintendents.

Our patient and very caring nurses.

Our amazing teachers, activity directors and their assistants.

Safe bus drivers.

Spontaneous van drivers.

Registration personnel with smiles.

Hardworking janitors.

Mayor Mac and Francie Pooler.

Our media team.

The individuals in our community who have made personal donations, took time off from work, and/or sacrificed their busy schedules for volunteering.

Silver Valley Ministerial Association and the churches who gave donations and the use of their volunteers.

Dare To Imagine Summer Camp core team who has met together for the last six months and put in 12-18-hour days over the last few days.

The Dare To Imagine Committee who three years ago… dared to imagine!

For all of our activity changes, registration mistakes, mishaps, delayed dismissals and various trials we apologize and appreciate the MANY patient parents who understand the challenges we face, our desire to keep their kids safe and still make camp a fun experience for everyone involved!

Please forgive us if we've forgotten anyone. It takes a village to raise a child and we are thankful for every single one of you who have helped in anyway! The Silver Valley is blessed because of people like you.
