Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gun Culture

| June 16, 2017 5:45 PM

I’m sure everyone was shocked when they seen the morning news about the Congressmen and three others being shot by a person who let his emotions over rule common sense. However this is what happens when everyone thinks that being armed is the answer to all their problems.

This mind set is cultivated by all the hype about we need guns in the class room, the court room, open gun carry in Idaho, politicians being armed. Every time somebody gets upset about something they think killing another human being will solve their problem. However, the complete opposite is the usual result.

I’m sure everyone was horrified by this shocking news. But politicians need to realize that our armed forces face this kind of crisis every single day. Law enforcement personnel face the same thing almost daily.

I think we all need to chill out and quit being such haters of everything we can’t control. Our politics have become so divisive that we can’t see the problem for the hatred we have if we can’t control every little thing that comes up. Chill out and show some compassion for others even if you don’t agree with them, Or they don’t worship the same God that you do, or look the way you think they should.

Good advice to all would be to try and listen to the other point of view before telling everyone what your point of view is. We need to try and get along better with the whole world.


Fred Scott

Wallace, Idaho