Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Firehouse Weekly March 22-29

| March 30, 2017 11:59 AM


- 12:00 EMS crews responded to Silverwood Village for a non-emergent transfer to the Hospice House in Coeur d’Alene.

- 12:33 Fire and EMS crews from all districts responded to the Lookout Motel for a structure fire. Firefighters from all districts were able to contain the fire to the two fully involved structures and saved three structures that were in very close proximity to the involved structures.

- 18:24 Fire & EMS responded to Silver Mountain Lodge for a patient experiencing stroke like symptoms. Upon arrival the patient was in cardiac and respiratory arrest. The patient had a valid Idaho POST (physician orders for scope of treatment) DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order.

- 20:22 Fire and EMS crews responded to a rollover accident around milepost 58 WB I-90. Sedan was found on its roof with major damage and unoccupied. Crews cut battery to vehicle and searched the area for patient. Law enforcement was able to locate patient at residence and patient was treated on scene and transported to SMC for further treatment.


- 08:41 EMS crews responded to the Maple St. area of Wallace for a patient with pneumonia like symptoms. Patient was treated and transported to SMC for further testing and treatment.

- 08:56 EMS crews responded to Heritage Health in Kellogg for a male patient having diabetic complications. Patient was assessed and transported to SMC for treatment.


- 04:41 EMS crews responded to the W. Mullan area of Osburn for a patient with chest pain and confusion. Crews arrived to find the patient worried about a family member not in the area. Crews were able to help patient with assistance from Sheriff deputies.

- 11:27 Fire crews responded to the area of East Mullan Ave. and Garden in Osburn for report of chimney fire. On arrival found slight smoke showing, no flames visible from outside. After a walk through of residence, and checking attic space. Nothing was found and all units cleared, returning to quarters. If you need to clean your chimney, there are brushes available at the Fire station in Osburn.

- 23:05 EMS crews responded to Bunker Ave for a patient experiencing chest pain. Patient was assessed, treated, and transported to Shoshone Medical Center for further evaluation and treatment.


- 08:13 EMS and Fire crews responded to a report of a car accident mile post 39 I-90. Upon arrival found a pickup truck down the embankment. The patient was able to get out of the vehicle and back up to the road. Patient was treated and taken to SMC by ambulance. Readers we suggest to avoid further injury to stay in vehicle and attempt not to move your neck or back. Seatbelts too!!

- 10:14 EMS crews responded to Good Samaritan Home in Silverton for patient with abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Patient was treated and transported by ambulance to SMC. Patient was extremely thankful for our assistance, and in good spirits that she will be feeling better soon.


- 14:35 Fire crews paged to meadow St in Wallace for a gas leak at a residence. Upon arrival homeowners furnace pilot light had gone out but there was no apparent gas leak. All crews returned to quarters.


- 11:24 EMS crews responded to River St. in Wallace for a patient who was having complications after surgery. Crews treated the patient and transported to SMC.

- 15:59 EMS crews responded to Brown Street for a patient who called 911 because an older sibling scratched her on the arm. Patient assessed and not transported to hospital. Be nice to your brothers and sisters cause in the end all you have is family!

- 16:07 EMS crews responded to the high school track for a possible heart attack. Patient was assessed, and patient told responders he would go to SMC by family member.

Fire Department Activities:

- Free blood pressure checks at all fire stations. Please, feel free to stop in get your blood pressure checked and enjoy some coffee.

- April 4th 2017 there will be a blood drive at the Elks Lodge from 12:30-5:30 p.m. Please, come out and help support those in need.

- April 15th 2017 at 9:30 a.m. there will be a community CPR training at the Osburn Fire Station located at 921 E. Mullan Ave. Osburn. This will be available for anyone in the community looking to learn the skills of CPR. All ages are welcome and should last around30-45 minutes. This lesson is to learn the skills of CPR and is not a class for a certification.