Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Veterans Day around the Silver Valley!

| November 14, 2017 4:36 PM


During the KHS assembly, guest speaker, Major Nicole Kessler of the Army, spoke of her deployment experiences while presenting a slideshow. The picture displayed shows Kessler and her husband, Kevin, serving their country together.


Pinehurst Elementary students sing “The Army Goes Rolling Along” during their Veterans Day assembly last Thursday. Fifth-graders also sang “Marines Hymn.” During each performance, member of the respective branches were asked to stand to be recognized.


The bench outside the Wardner Museum was dedicated on Saturday to the seven Peterson brothers who served in the military. The dedication ceremony concluded with a story of a trick that Chuck Peterson would play, claiming that this picture featured all of his brothers except one (the one being himself).


The veterans who attended the bench dedication at the Wardner Museum stood to share which branch they served in and where they were deployed.


Photo courtesy of GREG MALONE Members of Wallace Elks Lodge No. 331 who honored local veterans at Good Samaritan in Silverton on Nov. 11. The group presented 18 vets with personalized care packages as a small token of their appreciation for their service. Care packages included items like electric shavers, winter gloves, service hats, socks, blankets, and individual personal care items. Sharon Howard, Elks member and Air Force vet, said that would like to see the program grow and reach out to more local veterans in need. “Veterans are nationally recognized one day a year, but it is (our) goal to help and appreciate our local veterans on a year-long schedule.”