Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Mayor's Corner

by Mac Pooler Kellogg Mayor
| November 18, 2017 2:00 AM

Work on all phases of the City of Kellogg’s Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Project is winding down for 2017.

The majority of the remaining water and sewer work for this year should be complete by Friday, Nov. 17. Roads that were excavated, but could not be paved due to weather conditions, will be graded and covered with milled asphalt for the winter which will provide a barrier over the otherwise exposed dirt.

In the following days, some limited work in isolated areas will be finished and the full winter shutdown shut down will be complete.

As always, thanks to everyone for your patience throughout the construction season and to all the workers for their hard work.

Letters associated with the condition of lateral lines on private property that are connected to the city sewer system will continue to go out as the video recordings and inspection reports of service lines are processed. Service laterals that are not water tight will need be repaired or replaced at the home owner’s expense.

All party lines or those services with multiple homes connected to one line must be separated such that each home has its own connection to the city system. The owners of property where lateral line repairs or replacement is necessary will be given two years to come into compliance with city code associated with service connections.

Anyone needing special assistance related to the project or who may have questions or concerns may contact Mr. Craig Lewis, Superintendent of Public Works at 208-786-9131. On weekends, holidays or after work hours you may contact Mr. Lewis by calling the Shoshone County Sheriff’s Dispatch at 208-556-1114 and request they contact Mr. Lewis for you.