Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Celebrating Veterans Day in the Silver Valley

| October 9, 2017 10:56 AM

Celebrating Veterans Day in the Silver Valley

We will again honor our valley veterans on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial site in Kellogg.

We will install our fourth new granite wall with 480 names engraved.

We are hoping for a large attendance this year as we will again fire the big artillery piece (cannon) at the ceremony.

A new feature this year is a raffle currently in progress for the Lucky winner who will pull the trigger to fire the cannon.

Lady volunteers are preparing a free noon lunch for the public and those attending the ceremony.

The lunch will be served at the Memorial Hall on Hill Street, one block from the memorial site.



BOCC supports new fire house

This letter is to provide Shoshone County Board of County Commissioner support to Shoshone County Fire District No. 1 for your efforts in upgrading critical infrastructure.

Specifically, the BOCC views the District’s goal of building a new fire house as proactive and in the best long-term interest of our residents.

As with much of the infrastructure located within Shoshone County, the existing fire house is dated, undersized, past its intended useful life as a firehouse and ill-equipped to accommodate today’s technologies.

Modernization is the next logical step which comes with many challenges such as balancing existing and future needs with budget.

The BOCC looks forward to seeing how our residents receive the new fire house proposal.

Please let us know if the board can be assistance.



Mike Fitzgerald, Chairman

John Hansen, Commissioner

Jay Huber, Commissioner