Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Do corporations need a tax cut?

| October 26, 2017 5:22 PM

President Trump inherited a raising economy.

Trump has surrounded himself with people that are not able to disagree on any matter, or their fired.

Trump has a republican congress and senate that are under the same threat.

Corporations have been reporting record profits.

We also know that there are many corporation that pay no taxes, some even get tax credits even though they have made billions of dollars.

One example of this proposed tax cut is the wealthiest family in the United States, the Walton’s will get a 500 million dollar tax break.

And you can bet that the 1 percent will get huge tax breaks as well as Trump and his family.

When this plan comes out be sure and look at what tax deductions are taken away from the top 1 percent.

I would bet O deductions are taken away.

Who do you think will pay for this in the long run?

For starters Trump wants to gut medicare and medicaid, and before its over social security.

Next will be any retirement funds that are tax deductible like your 401 K plan if your company even has one.

Don’t sell yourself out for a promised tax cut that will benefit only the wealthiest Americans.

Be sure too look at the whole picture before contacting you representative on how to vote.

If this tax cut is passed your children and grandchildren will pay for the rest of their lives.

If we want to go in debt to the tune of 3 or 4 Trillion us ask our representatives to pass and infrastructure bill that would create well paying middle class jobs.

This tax cut proposal is one Trump lie we must not believe.

If Trump is so worried about the middle class why is it that when he wants to hire workers he brings in the poorest immigrants, and then pays them the lowest wage possible, if he pays them at all.

Don’t be scammed by the biggest scam artist in the world, your president Donald J Trump.

