Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Scott Charles Barbour, 63

| April 11, 2018 10:45 AM

Scott Charles Barbour, 63 passed away September 9, 2017 in Denver, Colorado. He was born Oct. 31, 1953 on Halloween (that says it all) to Charles & Marjorie Barbour. He was raised in Clawson, MI with his 3 sisters (Kathy, Bonny, and Amy). With high school diploma in hand (1972) his travels began. He started his 30+ year mining career in Wallace, Idaho as a tramp miner, which enabled him to travel the northwest. His mining took him to Absarokee, MT where he met and married his wife Rebekah Kraeplin on June 17, 1994. Here they raised their loving son Elijah Ridge, age 21. Scott’s interests and hobbies included hunting, fishing, rafting & camping with his river rat friends, blues music, UFC and a good book. Scott’s charismatic personality endeared him to family and friends, even perfect strangers. Scott would tell you his proudest accomplishment was his son Elijah.

Celebrate the life of Scott July 28th on the Clark Fork River at Big Pine Campground, Fish Creek Exit #66, 37 miles west of Missoula on I-90. (BBQ, camping and rafting)

RSVP or More info will be on Facebook.