Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Local School Supply Lists

| August 7, 2018 1:33 PM

With school shopping upon us, the Shoshone News-Press took the time to round up the supply lists for the local elementary and some of the junior high schools.

If your student’s classes are not printed they will most likely be receiving their full supply list during the first week of the school year.

John Mullan Elementary-


- 1 pack No. 2 pencils

- 4 large erasers

- 4 glue sticks

- 3 boxes of Kleenex

- 2 packages of napkins

- 2 pencil boxes

- 1 box gallon sized zip-lock bags

- 1 bottle hand sanitizer

First Grade:

- 36 No. 2 pencils

- 4 large erasers

- 4 glue sticks

- 3 boxes of Kleenex

- 2 packages of napkins

- 2 pocket folders

- 2 pencil boxes

- 1 box gallon sized zip-lock bags

- 1 bottle hand sanitizer

Second Grade:

- 36 No. 2 pencils

- 2 large erasers

- 6 glue sticks

- 3 boxes of Kleenex

- 2 packages of napkins

- 2 pocket folders

- 1 pencil boxes

- 1 box gallon sized zip-lock bags

- 1 bottle hand sanitizer

- 1 composition notebook

Third and Fourth Grade:

- 24 No. 2 pencils

- 1 red pen

- 2 large erasers

- 1 ruler

- 3 wide ruled notebooks

- 1 pack wide ruled paper

- 5 boxes of Kleenex

- 2 rolls of paper towels

- 3 pocket folders

Fifth and Sixth Grade:

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 red and black pens

- 2 large erasers

- 2 glue sticks

- 1 pair of scissors

- 1 ruler

- 4 pocket folders

- 7 subject dividers

- 2 three ringed binders (1½- to 2-inch)

- 1 pack of college ruled paper

- 3 boxes of Kleenex

- 1 roll of paper towels

- 1 bottle of sanitizer

- 1 box gallon sized Ziploc bags

Silver Hills Elementary-


- 1 Regular sized backpack

- 2 Boxes of Kleenex

- 1 Box of Sandwich Ziploc bags

- 1 Box of Gallon size Ziploc bags

- 1 Box of snack items for Pantry (i.e. fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers)

- 2 Rolls of paper towels

- 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer

- 2 Packages Antibacterial wipes to clean tables

- 2 Packages of baby wipes


- Crayola Classic fine line markers

- Crayola Classic Broad line markers

- 2 boxes of 16 count Crayola Crayons

- 2 Boxes of No. 2 Pencils

- Standard size Backpack

- 2 Boxes of Kleenex Tissues

- Liquid Hand soap

- 2 Package Antibacterial wipes to clean Tables

- 2 Package Baby Wipes

- 1 or More Boxes of snacks items for Pantry (i.e. fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, pretzels)

- Expo dry Erase Markers

- 2 Black Permanent Markers

- 2 Large Pink Erasers and Pencil Tip Erasers

- 8 Glue Sticks

- 1 Scissor

- 2 Pocket Folders

- 1 Pair PE Shoes for gym

- 2 Watercolor Paint Sets

- 1 Ream of Copy Paper

First Grade:

- 4 Doz No. 2 Pencils

- 4 Glue Sticks

- Markers

- Crayons

- Kleenex

- Large Pink Pearl Eraser

- Backpack with Name on it

- 2 Container Anti-Bacterial Wipes

- 1 Ream of Printer Paper

- 1 Bottle Hand Sanitizer

- Plastic Supply Box

- Water Bottle with Name on It

- Scissors

- 1 Bottle White Elmer’s Glue

- 1 Pkg Expo White Board Markers to Share

- Gym Shoes for PE

- No Pencil Sharpeners

Second Grade:

- 4 Doz. No. 2 Pencils

- 4 Glue Sticks

- 1 Box of Crayons

- Scissors

- Large Pink Pearl Eraser

- 3 Folders

- 1 Spiral Notebook (Wide Rule)

- Plastic Supply Box

- Water Bottle

- Backpack with name on it

- Gym Shoes for PE

- Large Box of Kleenex to share with class

- 1 Roll of Paper Towels

- 1 Container Anti-Bacterial Wipes

- Markers

Third Grade:

- 4 Dozen-sharpen No. 2 Pencils

- 4 Glue sticks

- 1 Bottle Elmer’s Glue

- Colored Pencils

- Crayons

- Large Box Kleenex to share with class

- Large Pink Eraser

- 1 Container bacterial wipes

- 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer

- Plastic Supply Box

- Scissors

- Pencil Sharpener

- Package of Expo Markers to Share with Class

- Gym Shoes for PE

- 3 Spiral Notebooks (Wide Rule)

- 3 Pocket Folders (3 Prong preferred)

- Water Bottle

Fourth Grade:

- 2-100 Page Composition Books (Journal Stitched)

- Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils

- Scissors and Glue sticks

- No. 2 pencils — at least 8 doz

- Black ink Pen

- Hand Pencil Sharpener

- 1 Black Sharpie Pens to Mark Personal Items

- 4 Whiteboard Markers, Expo type (Blue or Black)

- Pencil Case

- Snacks For Class (crackers, pretzels, goldfish, etc.)

- Kleenex for classroom

- 1 Old Sock

- Gym Shoes for PE

Fifth Grade:

- Pencils

- Erasers

- Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners

- 4 Pocket Folders

- 4 Notebooks

- 1 Packages of loose Leaf Paper

- Colored Pencils

- Scissors

- Glue Stick

- Pencil case or box

- 1 Container Anti-Bacterial Wipes

- Gym Shoes for PE

- 1 container Anti-Bacterial Wipes

- Gym Shoes for PE

- Kleenex

Sixth Grade:

- Binder 1½-inch (no zipper)

- 5 Subject Notebooks (each single subject)

- 3 Package Loose Leaf Paper

- 5 — 3 hole pocket folders

- No. 2 Pencils — 4 dozen

- Headphones (cheap basic earbuds work)

- 1 box cap erasers

- 1 Boxes Kleenex

- Pencil box or bag

- 1 pkg. Highlighter (at least 2)

- 1 bottle hand sanitizer (girls)

- Paper Towel (boys)

- Optional: Scissors, Pens, Glue

Wallace Jr. High-

Seventh Grade:

- Loose leaf paper

- One 3 ring Binder (social studies brought daily)

- Pens and Pencils (blue and black ink)

- 1 Colored pencils

Seventh/Eighth Mr. Specht:

- 3 Ring binder

- Loose leaf paper

- 4 Divider tabs

- Pencils

- 2 Dry Erase Marker (for student use)

Eighth Grade:

- Loose leaf Paper

- Grading Pen (red, green, purple) no gels

- Spiral notebook paper

- Folder (used to transport work neatly)

- Eraser (pencil top or block (optional but needed)

- Optional: small ruler, box of Kleenex, highlighter

Pinehurst Elementary-


- 2 Bottles of Elmer’s white glue

(No glue sticks or blue gel glue, please)

- 1 Primary Journal with a box on top

- 2 Boxes of Kleenex

- 2 Package of Ticonderoga Pencils

- 2 Medium/Large Hand Sanitizer

- 1 Backpack

- 2 Two pocket Folders (Mrs. Lavigne only)

- 2 Glue Sticks (Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Scott only)

- 1 Pair Fiskars Blunt Point Scissors

- 1 Prepackaged Snack (Goldfish Crackers, Pretzels, Dry Cereal, Graham Crackers, Fruit Snacks, String Cheese or Granola Bars)


- 1 Box gallon storage baggies

- 1 Pack Baby Wipes


- 1 Box Sandwich Storage Baggies

- 1 Pack Antibacterial Wipes

Clearly label ONLY scissors and folders

First Grade:

- 1 Ream copy Paper

- 12 Ticonderoga Pencils

- 1 Box 24 Count Crayola Crayons

- 1 Pink Pearl Eraser

- 1 Box Kleenex

- 1 Bottle of Glue

- 1 Pair Fiskars Scissors

- 1 container hand sanitizer


- 1 Box gallon baggies


- 1 Box sandwich bags

Second Grade:

- 24 No. 2 Yellow Pencils

- 3 Pink Pearl Erasers

- 1 24ct. Crayons

- 1 School Supply Box

- 1 Pair of Scissors

- 3-4 Boxes Kleenex Tissue

- 2 Highlighters (none for Mrs. Specht)

- 3-4 Glue Sticks.

- 3 or more Black Dry Erase Markers (Expo preferred)

- 2 Wide ruled Spiral Notebook

- 2 Composition Notebooks

- 2-4 Sturdy — pocket Folders

- 1-2 Containers Disinfecting Cleaning Wipes

- 1 Container Hand Sanitizer


- 1 Ream White Copy Paper

- 1 Box Gallon Baggies


- 1 Ream Colored Copy Paper (any color)

- 1 Box Quart-size Baggies

Most Items will be centrally located, please do not label

Third Grade:

- 2 Folders with Pockets

- 12 No. 2 Yellow Pencils

- 1 Bottle Elmer’s White Glue

- 2 Small Glue Sticks

- 1 Pair Fiskars sharp Point Scissors

- 2 Composition Notebooks

- 1 Box Washable Markers

- 1 Ruled Notebook

- 1 Box Crayons

- 1 Box Baby Wipes or Sanitizing Wipes

- 1 Pack Dry Erase Markers

- 1 Old Clean Sock

- 1 Pkg. 3x3 post it notes

- 1 Box colored Pencils

- 1 Box Kleenex

- 1 Pack Highlighter

- 1 Set watercolor Paint with brush


- 1 Ream White Copy Paper

- 1 Box Quart Baggies


- 1 Ream Colored Copy Paper (any color)

- 1 1 Box Gallon Baggies

Fourth Grade:

- 1 Ream of Copy Paper

Boys: White

Girls: Color

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 24 No. 2 Ticonderoga pencils

- Markers

- 3 Composition Notebooks

- 2 Folders

- Scissors

- Pencil top Erasers

- 2 Expo Markers (fine point)

- 1 Box colored pencils


- Hand Sanitizer, Baby Wipes


- Ziploc Baggies, 3-by-3 note cards

Fifth Grade:

- 1 Box Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils

- 1 Glue Sticks

- 1 Pair Scissors

- 24 No. 2 Yellow Pencils or Mechanical Pencils

- 1 Eraser

- 3 Folders with Pockets

- 1 Highlighter or Yellow Marker

- 4 Composition Notebooks

- 2 pkg. Dry Erase Markers

- 2 Boxes of Kleenex (at least)

- 1 Box Baby Wipes (no sink in room)

- 1 Box Freezer Bags, Gallon or Quart

- 1 Ream of Copy Paper

- 3-by-5 Sticky Notes

- 300 + Sheets of College Ruled Lined Paper


- One Ream White Copy Paper


- One Ream Colored Copy Paper (any color)

Every Student grades K-5th Needs:

- ** 1 Pair of Earbuds for computer class

- ** 1 Pair of tennis shoes for P.E. to stay at school

Canyon Elementary-

Mrs. Durham (Kindergarten and First Grade):

(* Label starred items with child’s name)

- 24 No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga) preferably

- 2 Package of glue sticks

- 1 Box of regular crayons

- 1 pkg. Dry-erase markers (chisel tip)

- 1 box of soft Kleenex

- * 1 (1) inch — 3 ring binder (hardcover)

- *3 Primary composition notebooks (place for picture on top and writing on bottom). (At Walmart or Fred Meyer by the poster board.)

- *1 Pink eraser

- *1 Pencil box (regular hard plastic)

- *1 Zipper pocket pouch for 3 ring binder

- *1 Scissors (Fiskars)

- *3 Folders with 3 ring clasps

- *Headphones (whatever is comfortable) preferable not earbuds

Mrs. Haralson (Second and Third Grade):

- 24 No. 2 pencils 4 Glue Sticks

- 3 Large pink erasers 2 Post — It Note Stacks

- 2 Pocket /folders 2 Package Index Cards

- 4 Composition books (2nd grade Only) 1 Package Highlighters — 4 colors

- 1 Composition book (3rd Grade only) 1 Package lined, wide ruled paper

- 1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars) 1 Pencil/school supply box

- 1 Set of Headphones 1 Pencil Sharpener

- 1 set of dry erase markers All Boys — 1 Box of Kleenex

- Colored pencils, crayons or markers 1 Box Quart size Ziploc Bags

- All Girls — 1 Bottle of Glue

- 1 Box Gallon size Ziploc Bags

Mrs. Ferreira (Fourth and Fifth Grade):

- 3 — Composition notebooks 1 Dry erase marker

- 2 — Two Pocket folders Headphones

- Pencils Pencil box (standard size)

- 2 — Pens Boys — 4 Glue sticks

- 1 Package highlighters 1 Box quart size Ziploc bags

- Scissors

- Colored pencils, crayons, or markers Girls — 1 Bottle of glue

- 1 Box Kleenex 1 Box Gallon Ziploc bags

- 3-Package filler notebook paper (college ruled)

Silver Valley Christian Academy-


- 1 pencil box

- 5 No. 2 Pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 Box Waterproof Markers

- 2 Elmer's glue sticks

- 2 Large boxes of facial tissue

- 2 roll of paper towels

- 1 backpack with name written on it

- 1 Non spill cup/water bottle

- 2 Playdough containers

First, Second and Third Grade:

- 1 New King James version of the Bible

- 1 Box of colored pencils (24 ct.)

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 pink eraser/pencil top erasers

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 1 12-inch ruler with centimeters

- 1 wide ruled composition notebook (not spiral)

- 1 LARGE boxes of facial tissue

- 1 backpack with name written on it

- 2 Folder with pockets

- 1 One Inch Binder

- 1 Non spill water bottle

Fourth Grade:

- 1 New King James version of the Bible

- 1 Box of colored pencils (24 ct.)

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 pink eraser/pencil top erasers

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 1 12-inch ruler with centimeters

- 1 USB computer mouse

- 1 school planner

- 1 pack loose leaf paper

- 1 pair headphones

Fifth and Sixth Grade:

- 1 New King James version of the Bible

- 1 Box of colored pencils (24 ct.)

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 pink eraser/pencil top erasers

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 1 12-inch ruler with centimeters

- 1 USB computer mouse

- 1 school planner

- 1 pack loose leaf paper

- 1 pair headphones

- 1 3-ring binder

Seventh and Eighth Grade:

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 pink eraser/pencil top erasers

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 1 12-inch ruler with centimeters

- 1 USB computer mouse

- 1 school planner

- 1 pack loose leaf paper

- 1 pair headphones

- 1 3-ring binder

High School Students:

- 1 New King James version of the Bible

- 1 Box of colored pencils (24 ct.)

- 12 No. 2 pencils

- 1 pair of child’s scissors

- 1 pink eraser/pencil top erasers

- 2 Glue Sticks

- 1 12-inch ruler with centimeters

- 1 USB computer mouse

- 1 school planner

- 1 pack loose leaf paper

- 1 pair headphones

- 1 3-ring binder