Wednesday, January 29, 2025

USFS announces closures in Rampike Fire area

| August 23, 2018 2:46 PM

COEUR d’ALENE– Several trails and roads in the Rampike Fire area are being closed on the Kootenai National Forest and Idaho Panhandle National Forests for the protection of public health and safety due to wildfire activity and the presence of crews and equipment working on fire suppression.

The Rampike Fire, located 1.5 miles east of Shoshone Creek, is approximately 2,100 acres and burning in steep, rugged terrain. Additional fire growth is anticipated with high temperatures and dry fuels in the fire area, and until safety concerns are fully addressed, a closure of the area, including multiple roads and trails, is in place.

On the Kootenai National Forest, the closure begins at the Forest Boundary on East Fork Elk Creek Road #2273, then up to the mouth of Butte Creek, from Butte Creek to the State Line, then southwesterly along the State Line to Porcupine Pass. From Porcupine Pass, down Forest Service Road (FSR) #151 to the junction with FSR #2228, then down Rabbit Run Creek to FSR #151, then across FSR #151 and up Fire Creek to the junction with FSR #2244, then along FSR # 2244 to the junction with FSR #2710, then above FSR #2710 to the junction with Pilgrim Creek Road #149.

All lands above FSR #2710 above (south and west) of the road are closed, though FSR #2710 will remain open. Also closed is the area from the junction of FSR #2710 and FSR #149 northwesterly along the ridgeline south of Brush Gulch to FSR #2273 then down FSR #2273 to the Forest Boundary.

On the Idaho Panhandle National Forests, the closure area boundary includes the northern boundary of Divide Peak Road #992 from the intersection of Shoshone Creek Road #412 northeast to Clark Fork CDA Divide Road #430. The southern boundary of Falls Creek Road #151 from the intersection of Road #412 and Road #151 northeast to the intersection of Road #151 and State Line Trail #7. The eastern boundary from the intersection of Road #430 and Road #992 south to the #430-1, continuing south along Trail #7 until it intersects Road #151. The western boundary from Road #412 from the intersection of Road #412 and Road #151 north to the intersection of Road #412 and Road #992. The individual road closures include: Clark Fork CDA Divide Road #430 from the intersection of Road #430 and Road #992 south to the junction with Road #430-1, Road #430-1 from the intersection of Road #430-1 and Road #430 south to the intersection of Road #430-1 and Trail #7, Hulliman Creek Road #975, and Pipe Creek Road #1503. The trail closures include: Stateline Trail #7 – Eighty Peak to Porcupine Pass, Hulliman Ridge Trail #578, John’s Draw Trail #1516, and Chute Creek Trail #6514.

For questions on this closure, please contact the Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District at 208-769-3000. Information and pictures of the Rampike Fire are available at: