Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Here we go again!

| November 16, 2018 2:04 PM

Here we

go again!

Mitch McConnell Senate leader calls for bipartisanship with the new Democratic house. But lets not forget when Obama was elected president, McConnell said “Obama will be a one-term president.” Republicans voted against anything that was brought to the floor. When Obama was elected to a second term and Republicans took back the House and Senate. The first legislation Republicans passed was The Budget Control Act, “the sequester.”

Even when Obama asked them to let him spend more on the military, oh no, the deficit is too high. When Trump gets elected we just open the budget to anything Trump desires, because the Republicans still control the House and Senate. And like the past two Republican presidents, we have to have tax cuts, which both were followed by a recession and deficits climbed to record highs.

Trump is just beside himself that he lost complete control of the government. First he fires Jeff Sessions and replaces him with a “Scam Artist” who he thinks will be able to shut down the “Muller Investigation.” Then he goes on one of his rants saying any elections that Republicans lost were rigged by those terrible Democrats. Then he goes to France to celebrate the Armistice Day, and attacks our allies. Then he makes an even bigger ass of himself by not going to the celebration because it was raining too hard. He then comes home and starts throwing out more threats and conspiracy theories because he is so upset, he doesn’t even honor our veterans on Veterans Day, it was raining too hard again.

It is about time both parties get their head out of their butt and start governing for the people, not the party. We also need to stop the big money donors from running the country to their benefit. We need to vote out all of these career politicians that only try to make more money for themselves with their crooked politics. We have people in both parties that have hundreds of millions in assets, plus the best health care in the world, and obscene retirement accounts. Yet the only health care they want you to have is some thing with no benefits at all, even though most folks can’t even afford a policy. If the voters don’t wake up, they will kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and our educational system. You can bet if it doesn’t benefit millionaires, it won’t pass the senate. Don’t look to your state government to help out working class folks either, you don’t matter.

If you have any respect for your children or grandchildren, you will vote to stop catering to big money. It will be them that have to pay for all this crazy spending.

