Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Who is winning?

| October 2, 2018 4:25 PM

Who is winning?

I think that Trump’s tax cuts and the rollback of regulations has turned the government over to the whims of corporations. Trump’s tariffs, pulling out of NATO, and trade agreements are taking us backward and putting working-class Americans in a bad place. We are seeing the escalation of cost on everything that we buy: all forms of insurance, groceries, gas, automobiles, housing, college tuition, and more. These escalations far outweigh the benefits of the tax breaks. Doing this hurts working Americans, especially infringing upon workers’ rights to be represented by unions.

I think the solution to this problem is to put term limits on all politicians, not just the president. I know that gray hairs are supposed to show wisdom, but these politicians have given up on representing the needs of their constituents. Instead, they’ve prioritized the corporate money that got them elected.

I am asking everyone to register to vote and use that vote to remove incumbents from office. We need a change in politics that is more in line with what the American working class needs. Let’s put a stop to all corporate lobbying and vote in some forward-looking politicians to accurately represent the current culture in America.

