Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A dripped off water customer

| October 5, 2018 2:28 PM

A dripped off water customer

We have a serious issue with “passing the buck.” I have lived in my house for more than seven years and have had a consistent water bill for the standard $55 a month. We use around the same amount of water every month give or take 100 gallons.

In June of this year, when the water lines were being worked on, our water usage jumped to 3,254 gallons. In July, it jumped even higher to 7,491. On Aug. 30, the water district shut off our water due to the high unpaid bill.

We asked them to look into high usage and were told they would not investigate until we paid $415 for two months of water. Nothing was looked into. They said we must have a leak or a running faucet. NOPE! We got our August water bill and it was back down to $55.

Jolene at the water district said I had to take it up with the city, that they just read the meters. When I spoke to a city council member, I was told that this is in fact a water district issue.

Shouldn’t the water district be held accountable to look into a gigantic usage increase that magically fixed itself when we asked them? Everyone should watch their water bill while they are doing work on the water lines. I didn’t and I got screwed.

