Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Kiwanis begin baseball field project

Local Editor | October 5, 2018 2:06 PM


Kellogg City Park’s baseball field has fallen in disrepair over the years, but the Silver Valley Kiwanis have began working on reviving the field for youth to enjoy once again.

KELLOGG — The Silver Valley Kiwanis Club completed the first part of what will be a multi-phase project last week as they began revitalizing the baseball field in Kellogg City Park.

The small ball park had fallen into disarray over the years as projects stacked up and the priority to fix up the field fell by the wayside with city officials.

“With all of the construction work and other projects, the city just didn’t have time to get to it,” said project coordinator and Kiwanis outgoing president Stephanie Martin. “We saw it as something that we could do to help the city and really serve the citizens of the Silver Valley.”

The field hasn’t had much renovation done to it since the city added the upper area for seating in the mid-90s.

From painting, replacing boards on bleachers, fixing parts of the retaining wall and doing other basic maintenance that had been neglected, the group got the field back to being playable, but they aren’t done.

“The drinking fountain has been there since I was a kid,” Martin said. “We are going to replace that with a new drinking fountain. We are also looking at redoing the pitcher’s mound.”

Martin and the rest of the Kiwanis hope that this project continues to grow and that this park becomes a hub for kids and families to enjoy the game of baseball.

“We want this to be a project that we can build on,” Martin said. “It was time to get that park usable again and we wanted to make sure that it was safe so that the youth in the area have a place to learn and love baseball again.”

The Silver Valley Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday at noon at Noah’s in the Silver Mountain Village.