Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Vote for John Hansen

| October 22, 2018 8:36 AM

John Hansen and I have been friends for 25 years. During that time I have watched him work incredibly hard at his business with that energy now transferred to the public as working County Commissioner.

John is not a flamboyant politician but a thoughtful, cautious man who listens to the public and carefully tailors public policy to solve problems. I imagine his conservative Democratic and my progressive views have canceled each other more than once at the polls but in the larger scope it does not matter since I am looking for a calm hand at a time when this nation seems locked in a “cold civil war”.

Its true, that other than the appearance of the vastly improved transfer station, these commissioners have no great grand visual accomplishments but some efforts are not tangible and when you inherit a mess in government it takes time to dig it out.

Government is not a business and it incremental in the best of times and painfully slow in the worse of times and we will continue to see improvements as we go along.

This can not be said for John’s opposition Mat Beehner who, in my opinion, has always been a bomb thrower looking for a cause. Frankly, he doesn’t have a plan and that is why he “no showed” to the candidate forum in Kellogg. We don’t need to follow this nation and drag this county down in the dirt with more drama. We need to lift and hold Shoshone County high with purpose and promise.

Please join me in supporting our friend John Hansen.

Jon Ruggles,
