Wednesday, January 29, 2025


| September 27, 2018 5:48 PM

Several years ago I read an article in the newspaper which I thought was very educational, so I cut it out and put it in my strong box where I keep other important papers. It was in there for several years. I took it out of my strong box and taped it on the wall in my living room where it has been for many years. Since I am running out of ideas to write about, I thought I would share it with you readers. In my opinion, I think it is truthful and makes a lot of sense. The title of this article is GOSSIP


•It topples governments

•Wreck marriages

•Ruins careers, sullies reputations

•Causes heartaches, nightmares, indigestion

•Spawn suspicion, generates grief, and makes innocent people croy on pillows, even its name hisses

Its call GOSSIP, office GOSSIP, shop GOSSIP, party GOSSIP, it makes headlines and heartaches. Before you repeat a story , ask yourself, is it true? Is it fair?Is it necessary? If not, shut up!

James L. Baker
