Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Truth about Trump

| August 1, 2019 1:36 PM

The Truth about Trump

The latest Trump charade with foreign dictators is that, what Trump, and these dictators talk about is none of your business. I always thought the president represented the people of the United States, not his own secret agenda. Trump won’t let any news people into these meetings because he doesn’t want the American people to know what he is up to with these dictators. Some of these dictators have killed American citizens, yet Trump takes their word that they didn’t have anything to do with these murders. Trump takes the word of dictators, over his own CIA officials.

Trump claims there was no collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. If this is so, what was Manafort’s meeting with the Russians about? He is now in jail because he lied about what those meeting were about. Flynn also met with Russians on Trump’s behalf, however he avoided jail time by testifying before the special councils investigation. Trump also fired then FBI director James Comey because he couldn’t see letting Flynn go. The very next day Trump hosted a group of Russians in his office so he could brag about firing that nut job, Comey. Again we haven’t been made aware of what that investigation laid out because Trump appointed Barr attorney general to keep the report from the American public. Hopefully, when the special council comes before Congress, we will have a better understanding of that investigation. Mister Mueller seemed to be very disoriented during his testimony. However, I thought he made a strong case about Russian interference in the 2016 election, he also stated that the Trump campaign tried to welcome this interference, and then lied about it. He also said that he tried to get Trump to testify before his investigation but was unsuccessful. Again, he said that Trump’s written answers were not truthful. Any time Trump is asked to submit to an investigation, he refuses to comply, and then makes up phoney stories about the people trying to investigate him. Trump, his family and campaign officials need to be prosecuted in a court of law.

Trump also paid off two women that he had affairs with just before the 2016 election, so they wouldn’t expose him right before the election. Now his lawyer is serving time in prison for setting up these payments for mister Trump. Trump was having a tryst with a porn star while his wife was giving birth to his son! Trump doesn’t build women up and cherish them, he vilifies them and disrespects their existence. Trump’s idea of foreign policy is to threaten other countries with a military strike, or tariffs. We never know what the outcome of these allegations may be, because Trump puts the spin on it to make himself look like a hero. In the end, we will pay for Trump’s threats of war and tariffs.

Trump has told so many lies, they would fill a very big book. If anyone calls him out about his false allegations, he whines about the “Fake News Media,” and calls them the enemy of the people. And the GOP backs his every move, because Trump is the new Republican Party. Trump and the GOP whine about the Democrats wanting to make the United States a “socialist country,” because they try to include the people who are getting left out of the American economy. What are the tax breaks for the rich and corporations? They are “corporate socialism,” just like all the tax breaks that benefit the rich and powerful. Instead of big tax breaks for the rich, why not have them fiance apprenticeship programs that train people with the skills needed by corporations, and let them deduct that cost from their taxes. We also need to pay people a living wage. I think it is a crime when people working two full-time jobs can’t support their families. That don’t include a car, insurance for that car and health insurance. I also think it is a crime when our government wants to cut education, all programs that help those who can’t help themselves. Add to that, the cuts proposed for Medicare, Medicaid and social security. We need to make America for all Americans not just for the privileged few. What is wrong with an America where those at the top make millions, even billions, while those at the bottom can’t make a basic living.

Trump wants you to hate everyone that is not orange like him. In Trump’s world, you cheat everyone you can, any way you can. In Trump’s world, you call everyone you don’t agree with stupid vile names because that has become the normal in Trump’s divisive administration. Divide and conquer, that is Trump’s plan to shred our American Democracy.

We need to elect a president for the people, not corporate America. So I ask before you decide who you want for president of these United States, that you get to the truth about who they represent. Also make an honest assessment, of exactly what Trump has done to benefit you. Be sure to register to vote and then honor your right to vote by voting. Our military troops have defended this right, and all rights that make us a nation of free people, so vote to respect their sacrifice.

