Wednesday, January 29, 2025

USFS announces prescribed fire closures

| August 27, 2019 3:00 AM

COEUR d’ALENE – A temporary closure order has been put in place for the protection of public health and safety during prescribed fire operations in the upper North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River. Aerial ignitions are underway with exact timing to be determined when conditions for successful implementation are met. Updates on this will be announced via InciWeb and Facebook.

During prescribed fire operations, smoke will likely be visible from surrounding areas. No designated motorized routes are affected by the closure and the closure will be either reduced or rescinded as soon as operations are complete. The following area and trails are closed until fire behavior and conditions allow:

Area Closure Boundary: Beginning at the intersection of Trail 20 (Coeur d’Alene River NRT) and Road 3099 (Independence Creek), proceeding southeast along the south bank of the North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River until its confluence with Falls Creek; then proceeding northeast up the ridge that divides Falls Creek and Alden Creek and continuing northeast along the ridge dividing East Fork of Alden Creek and Jordan Creek; then proceeding northerly to Road 332 (Bunco, Highline Road); then proceeding northwest along the southwest side of Road 332 until its intersection with trail 448; proceeding west along the Shoshone/Bonner county line to the ridge separating Buckskin creek and middle and eastern fork; then southwest along this ridge until its intersection with Road 1533 (Buckskin Road); continuing south on Road 1533 until its intersection with Road 3099 and Trail 20.

Trail Closures: Trails 52 (Alden Creek trail), 448 (Blacktail Creek trail), portion of Trail 20 (Coeur d’Alene River NRT) between Road 3099 and the trail head at Jordan Creek, Trail 412L and Trail 332UZ.