Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sup's Corner


A bulletin board made by Torrie Stutzke and Sara Delgado at Pinehurst Elementary School.

Schools in a small town are the hubs of activity for families and the community. What goes on inside schools is an extension of what the community values and holds dear. Small communities depend on their schools and the schools depend on the community. It is a relationship in which everyone benefits.

In the Kellogg School District this is an important relationship which I’m working to make a priority. As our community adjusts to changing circumstances it’s even more important to keep that relationship growing.

I’ve always realized the importance of face-to-face communication and believe having an Open-Door Policy is the most productive. Based upon my beliefs, I have a response statement which describes my practices to invite positive communication. The statement begins with: “I make it my policy to not respond to social media nor anonymous communication. It is not conducive to the confidentiality standards which are mandated to educators, which I fully support for our students and faculty; they deserve nothing less. Social media and anonymous information have a propensity to be filled with inaccurate, biased statements. I believe our students, staff, and community deserve better.”

To further our goals of positive communications, our leadership team recently revised our mission and vision statements and designed the first draft of a KSD Public Relations Guide. Our goals are to increase transparency and maintain a positive relationship with each of you. As such, it’s crucial to include your ideas in the plan. Please let us know what you think is important to include by sending an email, calling me or any of our leadership team members, or by sending a note. We will incorporate your ideas in the PR Guide. Then, we’ll invite our staff to contribute their ideas. Finally, we’ll take the plan to our board for input and approval.

Our Kids, Our Schools, Our Community is the motto we have chosen to represent KSD. Although the relationship may start when a young family enrolls a child in kindergarten, the hope is that the relationship will continue far beyond graduation day for a variety of reasons.

During this festive season I hope you will join us for our District Office Holiday Open House on December 16th from 3:00 – 5:00, a holiday concert, or a school celebration. Whether you have had a child in KSD, or you were a child in KSD, or even if you’ve recently become a member of our community, you are welcome to join us. I believe you will feel that sense of pride which I feel whenever I walk into one of our schools.