Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Trump and his parade

| July 8, 2019 2:15 PM

General (bone Spurs) is always singing his praise of the military, then he goes on the world stage and has a photo op with every dictator in the world. Now he is going to waste some more tax dollars with his 4th of July military photo op. Not one of the Trump family has ever severed in the military. They were too busy cozying up to dictators to finance their shady business deals.

If Trump opens his mouth you know he is lying. He claim to be a genius but has to sue the schools he went to so they won’t release his grades. Trumps way out of all his problems is to deny they happened. And all of his Republican friends just heap on the praise. I think and old saying needs to be inserted here, (you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.) I’m hoping for the latter.

Like all Republican Tax breaks for the wealthy, now “Mr....Bone Spurs” needs to start a war with Iran to camouflage the big deficits his administration has created. Hopefully, the next administration can get us back to being a Government for all the people instead of just the big corporations that bankroll the Republican party.

I hope you had a great 4th of July with out watching Trumps big military charade so he can get his picture in the news again. What a phony..

Fred Scott,
