Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Rockies, I don't see no Rockies

| July 11, 2019 2:16 PM

Recently I read disgusting PC rant about the error in posting Wallace as the gateway to the Rockies, which of course it is not and I agree with the author and that is as far as it goes.

I do not agree with denigration of the individual, the organization, golf carts and the shape of Wallace which would seem to indicate the town is not a many faceted community.

On top of that, he indicated that he despised individual who believed that the Bitteroots are part of the Rocky Mountains whereas popular point of reference, Wikipedia in their Rocky Mountains and Bitterroots section state that they are.

Then he stated that the Rocky Mountains began a three hour drive east of Wallace which would place them around Missoula. What his rationale for this, I am totally unaware of and others I am sure would like to know just what criteria he is using.

Americans are used to hype and discard those things which are unreasonable. In other words we inured to being manure. (Note in such cases no animal has ever deprived of its pile of poo.)

Even Ruggles has fallen victim to it with his statement about the “Colorado Rockies.” It is a common occurrence.

Having read his statements and passing judgment on it I dismiss it with prejudice!

Anon O’ Mouse
