Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Kellogg mayor's corner

| June 1, 2019 3:00 AM

Work on the city of Kellogg’s Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement project is moving right along.

Big Sky Development, the contractor for Phase III of the project is finishing up on lower Third Street, along with the alleyway behind the Wells Fargo Bank and those businesses fronting McKinley Avenue. Patch work in alleyways and other areas that have been disturbed will also be occurring. They will be working along the bike path in and around the City Park and then on to waterline projects on Legion Avenue and State Street.

Road work will continue to occur on upper Teddy Avenue in preparation for paving. The roadway on West Portland Avenue will soon be graded and prepared for paving as well. There are two pave outs currently planned for Phase III, one will occur in mid-June and one in July.

Knife River, the contractor for Phase II of the project north of I-90 in the Sunnyside Addition continues with their efforts on Mission Avenue, Mullan Avenue, Riverside Avenue and Cameron Avenue east of Division Street. They continue to work on replacing sidewalks and curbing, cleanup and getting the roads in this area ready for paving.

Work will also occur in the alleyway on the north side of the Stovern Supply building and in the alleyway behind Les Swab Tire.

Road crews are finishing up work in the area of north Hill Street, Cathryn Ave., North Street, Vergobbi Ave., Elder Ave. and Helen Street in preparation for paving that is currently scheduled for the first week in June.

Waterline will soon be installed west of the cul-de-sac on the end west Mullan Ave. The area will then be cleaned up and prepared for paving.

As always, be safe. Obey road closure signs and drive carefully around and through active construction zones. Allow extra time for commuting and watch out for heavy equipment moving through the area, operators may not be able to see you.

Parents are asked to remind their children to avoid active construction zones and to not play on material piles placed throughout the area. Everyone needs to be constantly aware of heavy equipment and understand that operators struggle with blind spots that make it difficult to see people, pets, traffic and especially young children moving throughout the site. This is an absolute priority as school will be out soon and young children will be moving around throughout the entire day.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding as work continues. Don’t be afraid to say thank you to all of the people who are working hard on your behalf.

Anyone needing special assistance related to the project or who may have questions or concerns should contact Mr. Craig Lewis, superintendent of Public Works at 208-786-9131. On weekends, holidays or after work hours, you may contact Mr. Lewis by calling the Shoshone County Sheriff’s Dispatch at 208-556-1114 and ask that they contact him for you.

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Mac Pooler is the mayor for the city of Kellogg.