Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Homestead Project open house meeting scheduled

| September 19, 2019 4:28 PM

ST. MARIES – The USDA Forest Service has initiated the Homestead Project on the St. Joe Ranger District of the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. An open house has been scheduled to provide preliminary information to the public about the project on September 26, 2019 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (PDT) in the conference room on the ground floor of the St. Maries Federal Building, 222 S. 7th Ave, St. Maries, ID.

The Homestead Project is in the initial phase of the environmental analysis planning process in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The project proposal includes timber harvest and hazardous fuels reduction that would improve resilience to drought, wildfire, and insect and disease outbreaks by increasing long-lived, early seral tree species on the landscape. The primary objectives are to improve forest health and increase vegetation resilience, provide sustainable use of natural resources, produce benefits for local communities, and reduce hazardous fuels. An initial analysis of the existing forest conditions in the project area has identified approximately 1,200 acres for silviculture treatments to reduce insect and disease infestation.

The 16,757-acre project area is within Shoshone County and the St. Joe River basin, specifically located in the Marble Creek drainage and associated tributaries, including the Daveggio, Homestead, and Shearer Creek drainages. For more information, please contact the St. Joe Ranger District at (208) 245-2531 or visit