Tuesday, March 18, 2025

KHS superintendent addresses critical events

Yesterday there was a critical event involving two of our students at KHS. It’s very important to maintain confidentiality of ALL students so we aren’t reporting names.

One student was involved in a skateboarding incident before school. This student received injuries related to this accident and is at home recovering well.

There was a second incident involving another student and although you may have heard many things regarding this event, please know we want you to know the truth and we will only report the facts as we know them. This student has passed away.

The facts are important in this matter. We have few facts to report at this time. These will be coming through law enforcement. Please watch for a press release when available for accurate information.

We have support for students here at the school. We are concerned about each of them and their well-being. We are expressing the need for them to take care of themselves and reach out to an adult or a counselor to talk with about this incident. We have district professionals, counselors, and clergy members from around our area here today to help us, staff and students alike, process through this event. Students may reach out at any time during the day to visit personally with someone. We have information we can provide to take to others as needed.

Remember, we are all concerned about our students and staff so please reach out with your thoughts of kindness and concern.