Saturday, March 08, 2025

Liberalism, a dirty word?

| April 26, 2021 1:34 PM

Every time I see or hear a republican complain about those "liberals" like it were a dirty word, I cringe, and think of the dictionary definition of liberal. "Bountiful, open-minded, marked by generosity and open-handedness; tolerant; not bound by orthodoxy or authoritarianism. I see nothing in the definition of liberalism to be criticized and decide that anyone should be proud to have those character traits. Call me a liberal, but not with criticism. Call me a liberal with praise.

Idaho Republican legislator Brent Crane argued that the two bills limiting a governor's emergency powers were to "ensure that constitutional rights were never limited, or temporarily suspended for the greater good." Really, Brent? Individual rights are more important than the greater good? In a democracy? In the eyes of God? When a disease is killing people? I guess so, unless you're a liberal. And to think the House voted to override the governor's veto.

