Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Pinehurst joins in on the Christmas fun

| December 10, 2021 6:00 AM

PINEHURST – The Silver Valley will see another weekend of Christmas festivities as Pinehurst joins in on the fun by celebrating holding their first annual Christmas Festival.

After months of preparation, festival coordinator Miranda Elam said she couldn't be more excited about how things came together and is happy to see Pinehurst represented in the Silver Valley’s Christmas events.

“I am very pleased and proud to live in Pinehurst,” Elam said. “We have had great support from the city, the police department, businesses and community members. I just wanted a weekend where we can forget about the world and focus on hope, community, and togetherness.”

Leading off the festivities will be the Christmas Craft Fair, which will be held at Prospectors Pizzeria on Friday from 2 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 5:00 p.m.

Prospectors will be encouraging visitors to bring a non-perishable food item or cash donations as admission to be given to the Real Life Ministries Silver Valley food room.

The evening will continue with all things Christmas with a drive-by Christmas lights contest and scavenger hunt running simultaneously from 6 to 8 p.m Friday night.

A list of participating houses will be available at the Pinehurst Lions building as well as rules for the scavenger hunt, where the winning group will be awarded $100.

The Lions building will also be hosting the Country Christmas Ho Ho HoDown from 5 to 7 p.m advertising “refreshments, dance contests, and a prize for the best Country Christmas attire.”

Saturday will provide continued entertainment at the Lions building with activities such as hayrides through town, cookie decorating, letters to Santa, and other crafts from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Perhaps the highlight of the weekend will be the Christmas parade down Division Street starting at 5 p.m. followed by fun and fellowship at the lighting ceremony which will take place at the basketball courts on Division Street.

The always local favorite, Joy Persoon and her carolers will perform as families enjoy hot cocoa, cookies and other Christmas treats.

Pastor Gene Jacobs will then give a brief Christmas message to wrap up the weekend’s events.

“We are so very excited for and invite all of the Silver Valley to Pinehurst to join us in our first annual Christmas Festival,” said Elam. “Who knows, you might just see your high school sweetheart who now is a CEO and fall madly in love at our Ho Ho Ho down.”