Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sup's Corner

by Nancy Larsen, KSD Superintendent
| June 30, 2021 2:41 PM

I’ve said good-bye to several jobs in Kellogg in my past. They included babysitting as an early teen, the A & W, First Security Bank, and the Credit Bureau. And, now I’m adding another good-bye to my list. I have to confess I’m not a person who is good at saying good-bye. I avoid it at all cost and as I write this, my plan is to slip out the back door with no one noticing. So, instead of saying good-bye, I will change my sentiments to thank-you, instead.

Being Kellogg School District’s Superintendent was never something I had thought about doing as an educator. Instead, it found me and I’m thankful it did. My life has been greatly enriched by a new family of friends and educators over these last five years. It was your commitment to the district and the community which I found to be reassuring.

Through our interactions I was reassured that despite all the changes and hardships Kellogg has suffered, there is still a heart for kids and a hope for the future. Your support for me and the job I was doing was your continued commitment to making a stronger community. Although I could name each one of you, I will instead write about the inspiration you have been.

When I asked for your time to work on a committee, not only did you come, but you brought friends, family, gifts, and great ideas. You worked to find good solutions where there were only difficult solutions to be found. When there was a need you donated privately, without want of recognition, to provide clothing, food, computers, and enrichment to kids who would have gone without. You generously gave of your time to do physical labor to clean, paint, and repair our buildings. You welcomed me into many of the civic organizations where I saw the leaders in our community working hard to bring advantages into our town. But, the gifts I cherish and thank you for the most are those that are stored in my memories. My memories as superintendent are filled with the thoughtful notes, emails, calls, and comments you sent at just the right moments. You were the fuel to keep me going.

As I add this good-bye to my list of jobs in Kellogg, the only thing that is changing for KSD is that I’m not going to be here. All of you are still here and will be carrying on to bring good things to the kids of the Kellogg School District. So, good-bye and thank you for your continued support. You will make the difference and assure the kids of Kellogg they are worth every effort.