Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Cd'A River Ranger District pile burning set to resume

| October 4, 2021 11:24 AM

The Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District of the Idaho Panhandle National Forests will resume burning piles associated with the Kootenai Fuel Reduction Project. Starting Monday, interagency crews will be working to burn slash piles, beginning north of Interstate 90 near Rose Lake, then moving to units on Canfield Mountain and Hayden Lake. Approximately 560 acres of pruning, thinning and brushing work was completed in the last year, with pile burning being the last step. This project is designed for hazardous fuels reduction in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and the protection of emergency services communication infrastructure on Canfield Butte.

Hunters: If you see piles in the area, know that your hunt may be inadvertently disturbed by prescribed fire activity. This burning activity should have minimal, localized smoke impacts, and will not interfere with travel on-Forest. Smoke will be highly visible from Coeur d’Alene, especially near Canfield Mountain and briefly from the Rose Lake area.

The Kootenai Fuel Reduction project is a multi-year project that will treat approximately 3,000 acres in the WUI of Kootenai County. Fuel reduction work helps limit the spread of uncontrolled wildfires that can threaten values, such as property and structures, on both public and private land. For more information on this project, including detailed maps, visit