Friday, March 14, 2025

Ms. Giddings owes the Speaker of the House an apology

| April 14, 2022 1:26 PM

I just received an incredible letter from Priscilla Giddings. In it she claims her opponent, the elected Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives, Scott Bedke, voted against the Second Amendment, imposed heavy taxes, supported vaccine mandates, ignored election fraud, promoted socialism/Marxism in our schools, and increased corruption.

Wow. You’d think she was talking about Stalin or Hitler.

Regardless of the footnotes, none of this is true.

Ms. Giddings owes the Speaker of the House, Mr. Bedke, an apology. Seems she would do herself some good if she refrained from trashing the Republican Party, and its leaders, for her narrow personal benefit.

James Rockwell

Grangeville, ID