A Miracle Gift
Christmas has arrived
for a newlywed pair
Who lives alone
with no children there
Lonesome, they visit the park
not having any
Just to be around little
people of plenty
As sad as it seems
it wasn't their choice
They still look forward
for times to rejoice,
They hang the lights,
stockings and candy canes
While holding back tears
and placing no blame
They still wrap presents
together and she still cooks
And says blessings to all
the little people mentioned in
Santa's book,
And by Christmas Eve
with a short list and their prayers said
They light the tree for Santa
And go off to bed
Just to be awaken
just before dawn
their prayers were answered
When a voice shouts out
Onward Donner, Blitzen and Dancer,
So they rush downstairs
to see
The lights dancing
on the tree
And below came a
precious sound
From the most beautiful
present ever found,
With a note that read:
'My name is Miracle
A gift from above
Sent to you on this
Christmas day
From the Heavens,
with Love....