Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Legals for June, 7 2022

| June 7, 2022 12:00 AM

Legal#4137 AD#539428 June 7, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Resolution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mullan, will hold a public hearing on a Proposed Resolution, at City Hall on the 15th day of June, 2022, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., to receive public comment on a proposed resolution to increase City of Mullan sewer rates beginning July 1, 2022. A summary of the principal provisions of Proposed Resolution are as follows: Whereas the City of Mullan desires to establish sewer rates pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 63-1311 and 63-1311A, and subsequently established City Ordinance(s), and the City has installed and maintained the sewer system infrastructure necessary for public health and safety of citizens utilizing the City of Mullan sewer system, and the City has determined that the presently assessed sewer system rate fee is insufficient to support the actual costs of supplying sewer system services and making necessary repairs; The City desires the following sewer increase rate fee proposal: A. Single-family residences $9.00 $11.67 per month B. Single-family residences (Duplex) $13.50 $17.50 per month C. Apartments, motels, hotels, Trailer/RV/mobile home courts, Rooming houses, commercial businesses Minimum Charge: $20.25 $26.25 per month 2-10 toilet units $20.25 $26.25 per month 11-20 toilet units $27.00 $35.00 per month 21-40 toilet units $36.00 $46.67 per month over 40 toilet units $46.254 $59.92 per month The full text of Proposed Resolution, is available at City Hall, 112 Terrill Loop, Mullan, and will be provided to any citizen upon personal request during normal office hours. Accommodations are available for persons with disabilities upon request. Please contact Mullan City Hall at (208) 744-1515 at least 48 business hours prior to the meeting to make arrangements. DATED this 23rd day of May, 2022 Trisha Crandall, City Clerk SHO LEGAL 21744 AD#536552 MAY 31, JUNE 7, 2022

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No: ID-22-900380-BB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 9/28/2022, at the hour of 2:00 PM, In the Lobby of the Shoshone County Courthouse, located at 700 Bank Street, Wallace, ID 83873, the trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of SHOSHONE, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: SITUATED IN SHOSHONE COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND AND DWELLING NUMBER 108 AS MARKED ON THE PLOT OF PAGE CAMP IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 48 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, B.M., AT PAGE SHOSHONE COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 48 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, B.M. GO SOUTH 9 DEG. 28'14" WEST 2,168.65 FEET TO AN IRON PIN, THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 35 DEG. 35'30" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 59.61 FEET TO THE CORNER NO. 2, AN IRON PIN; THENCE SOUTH 60 DEG. 23'10" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 107.28 FEET TO CORNER NO. 3; THENCE NORTH 85 DEG. 49'40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 34.13 FEET TO CORNER NO.4; THENCE NORTH 36 DEG. 34'30" WEST, 47.70 FEET TO CORNER NO. 5; THENCE NORTH 63 DEG. 22'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.41 FEET TO CORNER NO. 1, AN IRON PIN NAD THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 48 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, SHOSHONE COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, LEASES AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, ALL LEGAL HIGHWAYS, ALL RIGHTS OF WAY, ALL ZONING, BUILDING AND OTHER LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS, ALL RIGHTS OF TENANTS IN POSSESSION, AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED BY DEED RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 430333, OF THE SHOSHONE COUNTY, IDAHO RECORDS. The Current Trustee is Robert W. McDonald, Esq., whose address is 108 1st Ave. South, Suite 202, Seattle, Washington 98104 and who can be reached by telephone at (866) 925-0241. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above-described real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the street address of 170 BACK ST, SMELTERVILLE, ID 83868 may be associated with said real property. The sale will be made, without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust made and entered into on 10/22/2009, by and among ROBERT G MYERS AND LOLA C MYERS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor, and U.S. BANK TRUST COMPLANY, NATIOANAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee, and U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, N.D., as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been filed of record on 11/16/2009, as Instrument No. 454625 Official Records of SHOSHONE County, Idaho. The naming of the above Grantor(s) is done to comply with Idaho Code Sections 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made as to the responsibility of Grantor(s) for this obligation. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $6,991.81 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $39,187.73 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. Dated this 11th day of May, 2022. By: Robert W. McDonald, Esq., Trustee TS No: ID-22-900380-BB IDSPub #0178472 5/17/2022 5/24/2022 5/31/2022 6/7/2022 SHO LEGAL 4122 AD#533745 MAY 17, 24, 31, JUNE 7, 2022

NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Case No.: CV40-21-0558 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE US BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE FOR VRMTG ASSET TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. GEORGE W. BOGGS AKA GEORGE WILLIAM BOGGS (DECEASED) AND THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF GEORGE W. BOGGS AKA GEORGE WILLIAM BOGGS; SPOUSE OF GEORGE W. BOGGS AKA GEORGE WILLIAM BOGGS, DECEASED; ESTATE OF PATRICIA A BOGGS; LACI HANSON, CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA A. BOGGS AKA PATRICIA BOGGS, DECEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF RONDI ELDERS, CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA A. BOGGS AKA PATRICIA BOGGS, DECEASED; WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE; STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE - DIVISION OF MEDICAID; CINDY ROSS; DEBORAH BOGGS; DOES I THROUGH XX, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an Order for Sale of Foreclosure executed on April 19, 2022 and entered with the Court on April 20, 2022 and Writ of Execution issued on April 21, 2022 out of and under the seal of the above-entitled Court on a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure recovered in said Court in the above-entitled action on April 20, 2022, in favor of the above-named Plaintiff, I am commanded and required to proceed to notice for sale to sell at public auction the real property described in said Order of Sale of Foreclosure and Writ of Execution and to apply the proceed of such sale to the satisfaction of said Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure with interest thereon and my fees and costs. The property directed to be sold is situate in Shoshone County, State of Idaho, and is described as follows to wit: All the Government Lot 7, Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 3 East of the Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, which lies South of the St. Maries-Avery County Road right of way. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract of land lying in Lot 7, Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, and being more particularly described as follows: Using an astronomic meridian and beginning at Corner Nos. 1, a drill steel set at the base of a fence post on the South edge of the St. Maries-Avery County Road, from whence the North Quarter section corner of said Section 10 bears North 5°00'51" West 1407.99 feet distant; thence South 15°29'42" West on and along a fence line 275.79 feet distant to Corner No. 2, a drill steel; thence South 87°20'40" West 49.64 feet distant to Corner No. 3, identical with an existing pipe property corner; thence North 1°26'33" West 261.25 feet distant to Corner No. 4, a point on the South edge of said county road; thence North 86°57'37" East 130.02 feet distant to Corner No. 1, the PLACE OF BEGINNING. More correctly described as: All the Government Lot 7, Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 3 East of the Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, which lies South of the St. Maries-Avery County Road right of way. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract of land lying in Lot 7, Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, and being more particularly described as follows: Using an astronomic meridian and beginning at Corner Nos. 1, a drill steel set at the base of a fence post on the South edge of the St. Maries-Avery County Road, from whence the North Quarter section corner of said Section 10 bears North 5°00'51" West 1407.99 feet distant; thence South 15°29'42" West on and along a fence line 275.79 feet distant to Corner No. 2, a drill steel; thence South 87°20'40" West 49.64 feet distant to Corner No. 3, identical with an existing pipe property corner; thence North 1°26'33" West 261.25 feet distant to Corner No. 4, a point on the South edge of said county road; thence North 86°57'37" East 130.02 feet distant to Corner No. 1, the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Also: The South 30 feet except the West 26.64 feet of the following: Parcel 3: Being a tract of land lying in Government Lot 7, Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 3 Easy, B.M., Shoshone County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at Corner No. 1, a drill steel set at the base of a fence post on the South edge of the St. Joe River Road from which the North Quarter Corner of Section 10 bears North 5°00'51" West, 1407.99 feet distant; thence South 15°29'42" West on and along said fence line 275.79 feet to Corner No. 2, a drill steel; thence South 87°20'40" West, 46.64 feet ot Corner No. 3, identical with an existing pipe property corner; thence North 1°26'33" West, 261.25 feet to Corner No. 4, a point on the South edge of said St. Joe River Road; thence North 86°57'37" East, 130.02 feet to Corner No. 1, the True Point of Beginning. Except that certain tract of land conveyed to Shoshone County by deed recorded as Instrument No. 265784. The above-described property is commonly known as 30748 St Joe River Road, Calder, ID 83808. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 21st day of June, 2022, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. of said day, at Shoshone County Court House at 700 Bank St, Wallace, County of Shoshone, State of Idaho, I will attend, offer and sell at public auction all or so much of the above-described property thus directed to be sold as may be necessary to raise sufficient funds to pay and satisfy the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure as set out in said Order for Sale of Foreclosure to the highest bidder, for case or certified funds in lawful money. The time period for redemption of the above property is twelve (12) months from the date of sale herein. The Sheriff, by a Certificate of Sale, will transfer right, title and interest of the judgment debtor in and to the property. The Sheriff will also give possession but does not guarantee clear title nor continue possessory right to the purchaser. DATED this 16th day of May, 2022. Sheriff of Shoshone County By:/s/ Kattie Ross Deputy Sheriff Legal 4127 AD#534798 May 31, June 7, 14, 2022

NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. CV40-21-0597 Sheriff Case No. 202200633 NOTICE OF SALE Date of Sale: 06/28/2022 Time of Sale: 10:00 am Place of Sale: 700 Bank St, Wallace ID Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution on Judgment of Foreclosure issued on April 28, 2022, and an Order of Sale of Foreclosure issued on April 27, 2022, out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Shoshone in the case of: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, v. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF ANITA F. REAMES f/k/a ANITA F. VOGT; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 20, et al., Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 28th day of June, 2022, at 10:00 o'clock am of said day, at Shoshone County Court House at 700 Bank St, Wallace, I am commanded and required to proceed to notice for sale to sell at public auction the real property described in said Order for Sale of Foreclosure and Writ of Execution and to apply the proceeds of such sale to the satisfaction of said Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure with interest thereon and my fees and costs, all payable at time of sale to the highest bidder, for the following described property, situated in Shoshone County, Idaho: 689 Burke Road, Wallace, ID 83873 and legally described as follows: LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 9, CANYON ADDITION TO WALLACE, SHOSHONE COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL AND RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. The sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession, or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation of Defendants pursuant to the Judgment entered in this matter, and recorded in the official records of Shoshone County. The real property sold at the sale shall be subject to the redemption rights of redemptioners, as that term is defined in Idaho Code Section 11-402, may redeem the property from the purchaser within six months after the sale, upon paying the purchaser the amount of their purchase, with interest on that amount at the rate allowed by Idaho Code from the date of the sale to the date of redemption, together with the amount of any assessment or taxes which the purchaser may have paid after the commencement of the action and which are not included in the judgment and interest allowed pursuant to Idaho Code Section. In the event the purchaser is a creditor having a prior lien to that of the redemptioners, other than the judgment under which the purchase is made, the purchaser will also be entitled to payment of that lien amount with interest at the rate allowed in Idaho Code Section18-22-104(1). The Sheriff, by Certificate of Sale, will transfer all right, title and interest of the judgment debtors in and to the property at the time of execution of attachment was levied. DATED this 17th day of May, 2022. DEPUTY SHERIFF OF SHOSHONE COUNTY, IDAHO By: Kattie Ross NOTE: THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE CLEAR TITLE OR GUARANTEE CONTINUED POSSESSORY RIGHTS. EVERY PERSON WHO INTENTIONALLY DEFACES, OBLITERATES, TEARS DOWN OR DESTROYS THIS NOTICE, BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF THE TIME FOR WHICH IT IS TO REMAIN SET UP, IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR (I.C. ' 18-3205). Legal#4138 AD#539417 June 7, 14, 21, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO: CV40-22-187 Pursuant to: I.C. 15-3-801 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE In the Matter of the Estate of: Uldean Edward Mershon Jr., Pronounced DOD: 11/19/2021 Decedent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ryan Mershon, has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the above-named Decedent are required to present their claims, with a description of all security interests and other collateral, if any, held by each creditor with respect to such claim, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Ryan Mershon, Personal Representative of the estate, c/o SILVER VALLEY LAW, LLC, PO Box 633, Osburn, Idaho, 83849, electronic service via email: office@silvervalleylaw.com, and filed with the Court to be valid. DATED this 27th day of May, 2022. /s/Benjamin Allen Attorney for Personal Representative Legal#4139 AD#539439 June 7, 14, 21, 2022