Friday, January 24, 2025

Mysterious zoning changes in Wallace

| March 1, 2022 1:30 PM

Hey Wallace…..some City leaders are putting your wallet, and possibly your land value at risk.

I received a certified letter from the City. It contains a document titled NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, Ordinance 2022-01. It outlines a hearing scheduled for March 8, 2022.

The letter states the purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on a proposed ordinance to remove Holding District (H) as a zone, and assigning eight (8) different zoning designations to areas currently designated “H”.

On the Map provided in the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, the current zoning designation proposed for change reads “H HOLDING FOR STUDY”. I’m not aware of a study that has been performed, yet the City is proceeding with this proposed amendment.

State of Idaho Statutes 67-6508 and 6511 also require that there be an adopted Comprehensive Plan, and that zoning amendments and other related land use decisions be made based, in part, on that adopted Comprehensive Plan. The first and last DRAFT Comprehensive Plan for the City of Wallace is dated around 1980…..over 40 years ago.

The current approach by the City of Wallace opens it up to legal challenge. I implore the City leadership to take a step back and adopt a current Comprehensive Plan through public process before making any more land use decisions.

I’m not opposed to rezoning. It’s an important part of great city planning. It simply needs to be done within an informed and legal framework.

Ron Niemi,
