Saturday, March 01, 2025

Wallace Jr./Sr. High School Students 'Stand for Ukraine'

Staff Reporter | March 28, 2022 3:56 PM

WALLACE — Students at Wallace Jr./Sr. High School (WJSHS) are making a difference for those in Ukraine suffering from the Russian-Ukraine war.

Corki Mattila and Bryn Cotter-Drews, the former and current screen printing teachers respectively at WJSHS and students in the screen printing class, worked together on a project making pins, with proceeds going to support those in Ukraine.

“I knew I wanted to do something. I thought about donating $100, but I then realized that this could be so much bigger. I knew I couldn’t do this alone. And I didn’t want to. This is an excellent opportunity for the students to make a difference,” said Matilla, who taught the screen printing class 24 years before Cotter-Drews took over.

Cotter-Drews had Mattila as her screen printing teacher in high school, and the two remained close throughout the years.

“I was approached a while ago by Corki to pair up and work on a project together with my students. Corki organized all the supplies for us, while also creating a design for the pin,” explained Cotter-Drews.

Matilla created a sunflower design after having a dinner party with friends.

“I knew that one or more of the students could have created a beautiful design, however I wanted to be able to make a personal image. I was talking with some friends, and they thought that a flower would be a good design. So I went with the sunflower.”

The sunflower typically has a meaning that includes happiness, optimism, longevity and peace.

After Matilla drew the image, she printed it out on transfer paper. Students in the screen printing class then spent time making the pins by taking the transferred image to glue and pressing it onto the pin.

Students also took the time to research and find what organizations they wanted to support.

They chose to donate to two organizations, both benefiting those living in the Ukraine, Save the Children Fund and Direct Relief.

Save the Children Fund, an organization established to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities while also providing emergency aid in natural disasters. They also chose to donate to Direct Relief, a nonprofit organization that provides emergency medical assistance and disaster relief in the United States internationally. All proceeds from the sale of the pins will go to these organizations.

“I just wanted the students to feel as though they had some control over the situation, and that they helped out in a way. That they don’t feel as overwhelmed and that something like this is obtainable,” Cotter-Drews said.

Matilla had a similar point with her reasoning for wanting to do this project in the classroom, saying, “This is what education should be all about. Making kids feel good about themselves, and what they are doing in the world. Having a purpose. And Bryns classroom is an excellent place for that.”

Pins will be $5 minimum, with those donating more than welcome to donate more.

Those interested in buying the pins can contact Bryn Cotter-Drews at or by phone at 208-512-2770. Call WHS Screen Printing at 208-752-5101, or reach Corki Mattila, owner of Corki’s Ink, at 208-512-0702.