Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Free Medicare workshops begin this week

Staff Reporter | October 25, 2022 5:10 AM

WALLACE — Four free workshops offered in Wallace and Kellogg will provide community members answers to any questions about Medicare, the federal health insurance for people 65 years or older, as well as potentially saving money by picking the best plan for you.

The workshops will be taught by Linda Alldredge and Marcy Hayman, who volunteer their time to provide this resource to the community, covering four different topics. Alldredge explained that the workshops would also benefit community members under age 65 or family members who can help assist their older relatives.

“Everything is set up on the computer with Medicare now. You can also use your smartphone, but if you don’t have those kinds of skills feel free to bring somebody with you who can help you out,” Alldredge said.

The first workshop will be an overview of Medicare and how it works, explaining hospital and medical insurance and the differences between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage for health coverage.

“There have been some really important changes,” Alldredge said. “It would still be beneficial for people to attend who have been before.”

Supplemental plans or Medigap plans will be the focus of the second workshop, which works to provide additional benefits to the Original Medicare benefits when there might be gaps in coverage.

The third will focus on prescription drug plans and choosing the best plan for you each year, with the fourth and final workshop focusing on protecting yourself against scams and handling surprise billings.

The Idaho Department of Insurance (DOI) recently released a press release warning consumers shopping for Medicare health insurance “to be wary of improper marketing by telemarketers and television commercials during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, which begins on Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7. During that period, Medicare beneficiaries can choose the plans that are best for them in 2023. The DOI offers these reminders to Idahoans:

If anyone calls you who you did not have a scheduled appointment with, and requests personal or private information, hang up!

Be cautious of changing your insurance plan based on advertisements.

Ensure the plan is right for you.

You can’t have both a Medigap Plan and a Medicare Advantage Plan.

The free workshops will start at the Wallace Elks, beginning today, Oct. 25, at 4:30 p.m., and will also take place Nov. 1, 8 and 15.

The workshops will also take place at the Kellogg Elks starting Thursday, Oct. 27, as well as on Nov. 3, 10 and 17 at 1 p.m.

The same classes will be taught in Wallace Tuesday and in Kellogg on Thursday.

Alldredge has given free workshops for the past 15 years, sometimes receiving other outside volunteer help.

This year, Marcy Hayman, owner of Loving Care and More, will also be volunteering some of her time to provide the community with information.

For more information, call Linda Alldredge (leave a message) at 208-682-2556 or email at, or call Marcy Hayman at 208-661-5748.