Thursday, March 27, 2025

Splash-tacular Wallace Pool Party

Staff Reporter | September 9, 2022 5:25 AM

WALLACE — Celebrate the end of summer at the Wallace City Pool with a splash-tacular free pool party this Saturday afternoon. The party will have three competitive events: a river raft relay race, a fancy football catch and an epic cannonball splash competition.

The event is hosted by the Friends of the Wallace City Pool, a group of community members that was created years ago to give local children the opportunity to swim safely.

Wallace business owner Jocelyn Bachman, also on The Friends board, explained that the most important aspect is giving children safe access to the water.

“We are surrounded by a lot of water in North Idaho, and we want to make sure that children are comfortable, have access to swim lessons and essentially be safe,” Bachman said.

This was an exciting year for the Wallace City Pool, as four years ago, it was discovered that the pool had a leak which ended up being a pretty spendy fix, at more than a million dollars. In the meantime, eager swimmers were able to be bused to the Mullan Pavilion thanks to The Friends.

The city was able to allocate its operating funds for the four missed years as well as local donations and grant funds; the pool was opened on July 17 for locals to enjoy the hottest summer months at the pool with swim lessons, aqua Zumba classes, night swims and water aerobics.

“The pool was great this summer and enjoyed by all ages,” said Jenna Grant-Arthun, also on The Friends board.

Bachman told the News-Press that in August, more than 1,000 children and adults visited and enjoyed the pool and could do so for free, as The Friends covered the admission.

The party will take place Saturday, Sept. 10, from noon to 3 p.m. Game participation requires signing up from noon to 1 p.m., with the contests beginning at 1 p.m

“There are three big prizes, and we will also have smaller prizes for all participants,” Grant-Arthun said.

Bachman added, “Everyone who participates will leave with something.”

In addition, an ice cream truck will be out front, providing free ice cream for partygoers and free popsicles.