Monday, March 03, 2025

DUI Task Force: Zero alcohol related injuries or fatalities over holiday weekend

Hagadone News Network | January 2, 2023 1:02 PM

The holidays are always a time for celebration and good times. For some, good times involve partaking in an alcoholic beverage. While this on its own can mostly be harmless, it's when some decide to drink and drive that things can go from bad to worse.

That’s what Idaho State Police Sgt. Justin Scotch, Shoshone County Sheriff’s Patrol Captain Jeff Lee, and the rest of the North Idaho DUI Task Force were looking to prevent this last weekend.

“Our main goal is target zero,” Scotch said. “We want zero fatality crashes or zero impaired driving related crashes.”

With their most recent DUI emphasis operation in the books, that was carried out over Dec. 30 and 31, it appears as though their goal was achieved.

Highlights of the New Year's operation include:

• 31 DUI charges

• 2 open container charges

• 3 warrant arrests

• 4 felony drug possession charges (methamphetamine, cocaine, fentanyl)

• 1 charge for introducing contraband into the jail

• 3 suspended driving charges

• 1 injury to child charge

• 1 misdemeanor insurance charge

• 9 misdemeanor drug/paraphernalia cases

• 1 resisting/obstructing charge

• 0 impaired driving related injuries or fatality crashes

While Scotch and the rest of the task force would like to see zero DUI arrests and everyone get home responsibly, he is incredibly pleased with reaching their “target zero” goal.

“This weekend, members of the North Idaho DUI Task Force worked diligently to prevent impaired driving related deaths,” he said. “It was because of this team effort the Task Force can report that not a single fatality crash was investigated by our officers. While we are pleased to report this fact, 31 impaired drivers were still charged for driving under the influence over the two-day operation.”

Living in a time where rideshare and taxi services are widely available, Scotch says that there simply isn’t an excuse for not doing the right thing.

When it comes to the task force itself, the entity is composed of numerous law enforcement agencies across North Idaho — including the Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office.

Joining the task force back in August, Lee reported that SCSO kept busy as well this weekend. Rolled into the overall task force statistics, SCSO task force numbers from the weekend included:

• 49 traffic stops

• 3 DUI charges

• 1 warrant arrest

• 4 infraction citations

• 1 misdemeanor cite and release

• 1 alcohol detox by the Osburn Police Department

• 1 written warning for fireworks

• 0 impaired driving related injuries or fatality crashes

"It was a busy weekend for our entire team," Lee said. "I was out there this weekend with the patrol team hitting the streets so we could collectively do everything we can to save lives and prevent tragedy. This operation was focused with that as the main goal and preventing tragedy is what law enforcement everywhere wants to do. We will be continuing our efforts throughout 2023, with a DUI focus, as well as drug emphasis. I am just so glad we didn't have any fatal crashes on New Year's."

When it comes to discovering and taking DUI drivers off the street, Scotch said the point of the DUI Task Force is to have a proactive approach, but sometimes, the DUI’s just come to you.

“If you’re out there working a 10-hour shift, certainly things are going to happen in front of you where you kind of just have that feeling that ‘OK, this might be an impaired driver.'”

This doesn’t mean though troopers, deputies and officers simply sit and wait at local watering holes.

“In terms of tactics, we (ISP) don't sit on bars,” Scotch said in a previous interview. “I don’t feel it’s appropriate for us as officers to just be sitting there. It looks like we’re doing a stake out. We’re on moving patrol and we just keep an eye out for vehicles making traffic violations.”

In the last year, ISP has recorded 475 DUI cases alone in the five northern counties (Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone and Benewah) — most of which coming from Kootenai County. That number does not include DUI incidents from other local agencies either, just ISP.

“This team’s mission is instrumental in saving and changing lives and the results from this weekend's operation are not only eye opening, but a testament to the importance of our efforts,” Scotch said. “Happy New Year and we will see you on Superbowl Sunday!”

To hear the full interview with Sgt. Justin Scotch, check out Episode 193 of the North Idaho Now Podcast.



A Shoshone County Sheriff's Office patrol vehicle in a traffic stop during the most recent North Idaho DUI Task Force operation this last weekend.