Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wallace Arts Council organizes youth band project

Staff Writer | July 21, 2023 1:00 AM

WALLACE — The beat will go on in the Silver Valley as the Wallace District Arts Council puts together a band of young musicians to tour during the summer of 2024. Coming off the heels of the Historic Wallace Blues Festival, organizers announced on social media that auditions are being held Tuesday, Sept. 19 for vocalists and musicians ages 13-20.

“We are excited to continually grow a youth music culture of all genres here in the Valley. We're looking for whoever comes to the audition and has the level of talent we're looking for. We'll be happy with three or 23,” Blues Festival organizer Alex Cook said.

Aubrey Clair and Devon Dean Riley were two young musicians from the area who were highlighted during Blues Fest, and the hope is to bring together young people across the Valley to grow together and learn about the musical profession.

After auditions have been completed, the youth band will meet every Tuesday afternoon after school at the Jameson Inn. Those auditioning will need their instruments for the audition, but assistance will be available to help with securing instruments after the audition.

“There was just too much talent of all ages, to see not having an outlet for young musicians to be able to pursue a real chance in music rather than just being a hobby or a dream, or to be able to grow in skill, too,” Cook said.

The hope is to also have performances fairly regularly so the young musicians can hone their skills in front of an audience and prepare for the tour by the time summer 2024 rolls around.

This idea grew partially out of an idea that was floated after Lauren Bourgard stepped down as band teacher at Wallace High School. Young talent can learn about the industry while learning about classical, jazz, metal, pop and country music alongside their peers. Musicians under 18 will need parental permission to participate in the band.

The Wallace District Arts Council is looking to expand arts experiences across Shoshone County in new ways, and the youth band is just one new facet of that goal. The new Wallace District Arts Council slogan is "history-making music from Historic Wallace, Idaho."

This year, the Blues Fest organizers partnered with Arts Wallace to host a gallery and there is a plan to stage the return of the Wallace Art and Garden Walk during next year’s festival.

“Music and events is the real niche we can fill and then work with others in the Silver Valley to create an arts rich atmosphere for tourists to experience and for residents of all ages to have outlets of expression, whatever the art form,” Cook said.

If you go

What: Band auditions for youth ages 13-20

When: 5 p.m. on Sept. 19

Where: Jameson Inn, 304 6th St., Wallace

For information, or to submit a video audition, email