Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Legals for March, 14 2023

| March 14, 2023 12:00 AM

CITY OF OSBURN TREASURER’S QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT ENDING June 30, 2021 YR TO DATE BUDGET % BUDGET REVENUE GENERAL FUND:   Property Tax 60,339 98,562 61.2%   Licenses & Permits 6,434 8,250 78.0%   Intergovernmental Rev. 0 49,036 0.0%   Other Revenue 90,332 207,432 43.5%   American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) 167,345 0 0.0% LAW ENFORCEMENT 171,323 324,613 52.8% STREET & HIGHWAYS 161,080 351,068 45.9% LIBRARY 49,149 72,489 67.8% ENTERPRISE FUNDS:   Sewer 25,924 57,163 45.4%   Cemetery 3,248 5,410 60.0% TOTAL 735,174 1,174,023 62.6% EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND 219,993 363,280 60.6% LAW ENFORCEMEMT 174,687 324,613 53.8% STREET & HIGHWAYS 93,960 351,068 26.8% LIBRARY 53,353 72,489 73.6% ENTERPRISE FUNDS:  Sewer 23,516 57,163 41.1%  Cemetery 871 5,410 16.1% TOTAL 566,380 1,174,023 48.2% This report has been revised from the original publication.  Citizens are invited to inspect the detailed supporting records of the above report. Lisa Danielson Municipal Clerk/Treasurer Legal#4395 AD#6549 March 14, 2023

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: the Shoshone County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on April 6, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Shoshone County Sheriff’s office courtroom, 717 Bank Street, Wallace, Idaho, to consider the following: A. FILE: CU-267-23    APPLICANT: Faith Snyder    PARCEL: RP-49N02E-30-6210-A REQUESTING: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a second residence    in the NR, Natural Resource zone.  Written testimony expressing support, opposition, or neutrality towards this proposal or other information will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. (PST) on April 5, 2023. All other materials must be submitted at the public hearing. For submissions greater than two (2) pages, the submitter shall provide eight (8) copies. All information presented and or submitted shall become the property of Shoshone County and will be on file at the Planning office. Additional information concerning the above item(s) may be obtained from the Shoshone County Planning Administration, County Courthouse, 700 Bank Street Suite 25, Wallace, Idaho (208) 752-8891 or E-mail: Those with disabilities requiring special assistance in order to attend or participate in the public meeting must contact the Planning Administration Office prior to the public meeting. S/Dan Martinsen, Administrator Legal#4396 AD#6567 March 14, 2023 _________________________