Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wallace planning city noise ordinance

Local Editor | November 21, 2023 1:00 AM

WALLACE –– The Wallace City Council is exploring options as they work toward adopting a noise ordinance in the Shoshone County seat. 

The ordinance was on the agenda during the council’s November meeting, but at that time there was still a lot of ground to cover in the ordinance’s development. 

Councilman Rich Matrisciano has taken on the task of creating the ordinance and is gathering input from his fellow council members as well as members of the community. 

“We’re kind of in the planning stage of putting things together,” Matrisciano said. “I think it’s really important if people have concerns or questions about the ordinance or things that they would like covered in it, they can reach out to the city or to me.” 

According to Matrisciano, the city had tried to operate under the noise ordinance put forth by Shoshone County, but they were advised by the county that they needed to develop and adopt their own ordinance because they are an incorporated city.

A number of things will be covered in Wallace’s noise ordinance, including specific time frames for certain days of the week, the decibel limit, proximity, and the potential penalty for violation. 

While nothing is official until the city council formally adopts the ordinance, Matrisciano spoke to some of the ideas that are currently being discussed. 

On weeknights (Sunday - Thursday), the city would potentially enforce a 70-decibel limit that is heard from a distance of 50 feet or more, from the hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.

70 decibels is comparable to the noise from a standard vacuum cleaner.

Matrisciano also mentioned that the time frames could be adjusted for Friday and Saturday nights, which would accommodate Wallace’s downtown community. 

“Especially in the summertime, when ten o’clock rolls around – we don’t want people to feel like they have to leave or mess up their good time,” Matrisciano said. “We’re trying to fit things in there that are reasonable.” 

One of the big things that Matrisciano stressed was that the ordinance wasn’t an attempt by the city to get people in trouble, but instead to have something in place that keeps neighbors respectful of one another. 

“When you have that dog that incessantly barks for hours, or the person blaring their music, revving up their dirtbikes, you don’t feel helpless because there isn’t an ordinance in place,” He said. 

As far as any penalties for violating the potential noise ordinance, Matrisciano said that it would likely be in the form of a fine. 

Once Matrisciano feels that he has gathered enough input, he plans to sit down with at least one other council member to draft the ordinance before bringing it before the rest of the council at the council’s December meeting.  

The Wallace City Council meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 5 p.m. 

For more information or to reach out to Councilman Rich Matrisciano call (208) 752-1147 or email him at