Thursday, March 06, 2025

CANDIDATE PROFILE – Melissa Cowles, Shoshone County Commissioner District 1 (R)

| April 30, 2024 1:00 AM

- Full name and age

Melissa Cowles, 45

- Level of education

High school and some college with various training and certifications from employment history and current real estate training, to keep current with state and federal real estate laws.

- Background and/or relevant experience for the position you are running for

Being a resident here for my entire life, I have a vast knowledge of the Silver Valley and the issues it faces. I am a realtor and small business owner which allows me to understand the economic aspects the valley faces. I was also a quality control/quality assurance officer for 17 years in the construction field here in the valley. This provided me with experience in tracking, reporting, and meeting regularity standards and familiarized me with the entire valley. My valuable insight and experience are crucial for our community’s infrastructure.   

- Family

Husband, Damien Cowles, two adult children, a son-in-law, and three wonderful grandchildren. All of whom are residents of Shoshone County.

- Main priority if you are elected?

My priorities are transparency, keeping and maintaining a balanced       

budget, and strategic spending of taxpayer dollars. If elected commissioner, I believe that the success of our county requires hard work, willingness, and effort to make our county work for everyone.

- Notable/ relevant achievements you have earned or received

Business owner of two local small businesses

Volunteer on the Silver Valley Seniors Board

Volunteer for the Special Olympics program for over 13 years

- Endorsements 

Recommended by the Shoshone County Republican Central Committee

- Key issues associated with the position?

I believe that informing the residents of the challenges that we as a community face, is a necessary component to the position. I think that sitting down with residents and listening to their concerns will allow me to make the best decisions possible for our community. I feel that we as a county and myself as a commissioner, have to find new ways to provide revenue streams besides just depending on the taxpayers. I will focus on the county’s long-term growth and sustainability while also focusing on revenue vs. expenditures and what will benefit the taxpayers first and foremost. I want to be responsible to those paying the bills – The taxpayers.