Tuesday, October 15, 2024

REGAN: Uncommon sense

| August 9, 2024 1:00 AM

Mr. Regan criticizes George Orwell’s advice to “reject evidence of your eyes and ears” and proceeds to tell us to reject the evidence of OUR eyes and ears by not believing what we saw and heard these last couple years. I heard Trump say “inject bleach to fight covid,” even though he may have been kidding, although he rarely kids. I heard him say the white supremacists were “some fine people.” And I saw with my eyes on live television the Jan. 6 angry mob storm the Capitol. If those things were hoaxes, I need to reconsider my optometrist’s competence. And you are definitely correct in assuming that believing these things is frustrating. Democrats do not want to eliminate health insurance, nor force gun confiscation, nor put men in women’s sports, nor confiscate my earnings.    

